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- The Power of Opportunity...
The Power of Opportunity...
...and where it comes from 🤔

Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.
Each week I send a Mindset Shift to bring alignment and develop stronger opportunity awareness towards your perception of success and happiness.
To get on next week’s FLIGHT… 🚀

The OPPO FLOW Life Design Intro Playbook is available NOW for digital download and only $49.
Working on WHO you are, WHERE you want to go, WHY you want to get there, and HOW you’re going to do it. 🚀
This 20 page PLAYBOOK is a 5-day mission, designed to elevate your overall perception of success, achieve stronger opportunity awareness, and provide the foundational framework for making it happen.
“Effective people are not problem-minded; they’re opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems.”
Opportunity is Everywhere.
It comes in many forms.
By definition it is a situation or circumstance that provides a good chance for advancement or progress.
When you’re young… it’s good to say YES to many things.
You can’t be afraid to jump at opportunities… 🦘
Action on many avenues allows for growth, learning, and testing the waters. 🌊
The more experiences you have, the more you’re able to shape who you are and what you want.
Most young adults are in the process of trying to figure that out, and quite frankly so are many older adults.
It’s not easy to really define who you are, what you stand for, and where you want to go, especially if there’s people around you that don’t agree with it.
However, it’s extremely important for experiencing a harmonious and happy life.
Here are some past FLIGHTS that will help you with building the foundation for alignment.
Personal Core Values 👉 FLIGHT #018
Defining your Purpose 👉 FLIGHT #028
Creating your Ultimate Vision 👉 FLIGHT #060
Setting Lofty Goals & Strong Targets 👉 FLIGHT #055
If you’ve already defined these things…
Then, you must get in the habit of saying NO to opportunities that don’t align with your mission 🚀 and say YES to the good opportunities that come your way.
Growth simply does not happen without saying YES to good opportunities along the way.
An opportunity is…
Prompted from the thoughts you have 💭
Created by the effort or work you put in ⚒️
Discovered with your experience or expertise 🧑🔬
Offered through the relationships you’ve developed 🤝
There’s A TON that goes into the science behind The Power of Opportunity, so this topic will consist of FOUR FLIGHT LEGS. ✈️✈️✈️✈️
Meaning, I will go through each of the ways listed above on a FLIGHT of their own over the next 4 weeks…
Yep, you’re about to get a MASTERCLASS on where OPPORTUNITY comes from and how quick, decisive action impacts your SUCCESS. 🤩
So buckle up and and let’s roll with the FLIGHT LEG 1 OF 4… 🛫
Prompted from Thought
It all starts with an idea. 💡
A possibility.
An opportunity to explore something. 🤿
This could be…
…seeing something that reminds you of a friend or family member, so you wonder how they’re doing, but you haven’t talked with them in awhile.
…this thought prompts an opportunity to reach out to them and actually see how they’re doing!
…realizing you’re not happy with your weight, so you think about making a change to your health habits, but you don’t know where to begin.
…this thought prompts an opportunity to research and develop a health plan with a routine that works for you!
…knowing you’re capable of more, so you consider starting a business, but you’re afraid of failing.
…this thought prompts an opportunity to explore your options, surround yourself with those who have been where you want to go, gain confidence through action, and learn from other entrepreneurs!
At this point, these are all thoughts that PROMPT opportunities to do something.
You haven’t actually done or decided on anything yet.
They are just thoughts.
More often than not, you’ll pass on the opportunity your thoughts present to you and continue your efforts elsewhere.
If that friend means something to you, then you would say YES to reaching out.
If your health means something to you, then you would say YES to getting in shape.
If your business idea provides a spark, energy, and motivation, then you would say YES to exploring it.
Playing devil’s advocate here… 😈
If those thoughts don’t align with your current mindset, priorities, core values, and vision, or you don’t have any direction at all, then you probably won’t take action, even though it seems like a good opportunity to an outsider.
The beautiful thing about your thoughts is…. they are yours.
Good or bad, no one knows what you’re thinking.
Until you take the action.
This is where developing some self-accountability comes into play.
But again… you don’t have to act at all.
If you don’t act on something that only you’ve thought of, you’re the only one that knows it anyway…
Unless it’s a missed opportunity, because your alignment is out of whack. 😬
In order to ensure proper alignment, you’ve got to be clear with your core values, purpose, vision, and goals.
It’s 100% up to you to decide on taking the action or not.
Before you go all in on it, you have the opportunity to research it, inquire about it, learn from it, or wait to see if it continues to pop up asking you to listen to it.
Our wandering thoughts come and go, just as fast as an ice cube 🧊 melts during the Arizona summer. 🥵
When the new idea pops into that lil noggin of yours and ultimately becomes an opportunity…
…it starts with asking yourself if it aligns…
…then it moves to wondering if you have the capability of doing it…
…and finally, deciding on if it is something you want to do.
This is your filter.
The alignment question of “should I?” is the most crucial to get right.
And that’s why it’s first.
If you say NO to this one, because it doesn’t align with your core values, purpose, vision, and goals, then it’s an automatic NO on entertaining that opportunity.
Reaching out to your friend… Should I? Could I? Will I?
If they’re an old friend that no longer supports you, then you probably won’t.
If they’re in your corner, then yeah… you should, you can, and you will because there’s a compelling reason why.
Getting back into shape… Should I? Could I? Will I?
If you’re not motivated because you enjoy your current lifestyle, then you probably won’t.
If you care about your future, then yeah… you should, you can, and you will because there’s a compelling reason why.
Starting a business… Should I? Could I? Will I?
If you feel your impact is better suited without taking on the entrepreneurial or financial risk, then you probably won’t.
If you have a burning desire for it, you’re willing to put in the work, and can embrace obstacles as learning opportunities along the way, then yeah… you should, you can, and you will because there’s a compelling reason why.
Remember, alignment is all about answering NO to the “should I?” question more often than YES.
This removes the chaos and creates the life you want, on your terms.
Now… “should I?” could very well be a NOT YET answer as it may align in the future, but if it’s not a resounding HELL YES right now, then move on or consider what you can do now in preparation for when it becomes a YES.
Once you’ve answered YES to “should I?”…
…then the only reason your answer to the next two questions of “could I?” and “will I?” actually matter, is for determining the time it takes to gain the confidence for moving it from…
If it’s a big idea that aligns, explore it. 🤿
If it’s a small one that compounds, jump on it. 🦘

Keep it simple.
Clear your mind and work to rid of the habits that fog up your brain.
One the easiest ways to start the process of habit change and finding clarity is through a consistent morning routine that sets the tone for your day.
Check out 👉 FLIGHT #014 for a deeper dive into creating a solid morning routine.
Clarity is crucial for your ability to recognize the abundance of daily opportunity.
When your life is in alignment, you begin to develop the ability to slow things down and address those thoughts with more clarity…
“Should I do that?”
“Could I do that?”
“Will I do that?”
This is an example of CHAIN-OF-THOUGHT PROMPTING.
Each question builds on the previous one, establishing a logical flow of thoughts.
When this sequential method picks up momentum and brings excitement around the idea, it encourages you to delve deeply into it more and uncover the underlying connections.
As you develop this muscle and train your brain for decisive speed, you’ll eliminate paralysis by analysis. 😵💫
It removes the proverbial “what ifs?” that may delay your actions, as you’ll be able to answer your thought filter questions instantly.
As you progress through this process, you will find yourself mentally committing to pursuing the opportunity, or not.
You either know if it makes sense, or it doesn’t.
You either jump on it, or you don’t.
And then you’re okay with the results because it either aligned, or it didn’t.
This is the MINDSET SHIFT. 🤯
Congratulations on completing LEG 1 of 4. 🛬
We’ll see you next week to go over The Power of Creating Opportunity based on the WORK you put in. 🙌
If this has been helpful for you so far, consider sharing this email with a friend.
Umm…. BTW! We’re celebrating our ONE YEAR POD-A-VERSARY this week. 🥳
Sooo… while you wait for FLIGHT LEG 2 OF 4…
Check out episode 52 of the SuccessFlow Podcast.
Please like, subscribe, comment, and share. 🤗
Episode 52: Cheers to ONE YEAR 🥳
Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!
Cheers! Steven
BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋♂️
1. Did you know I also run a franchised payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.
2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK
3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!
As always, thanks for your support. 🙏