- OPPO FLOW Storybook
- Posts
- Now we know...
Now we know...
...this is needed for future success
Welcome to the Storybook
Each week, I share… ✍️
a definition 🤓
a quick story 📖
a mindset shift 🤯
an opportunity list 💡

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a fundamental concept that refers to the quality or state of being consistent, which involves maintaining a uniform approach, delivering steady results, or adhering to the same principles over time.
Welp… my friends…
This marks FLIGHT #100.
Counting four pre-flights, this equates to a full two years without missing a single week.
Same day, same time.
Every Thursday flying out at 3pm AZ time.
Through all the ups and downs, adventures, family stuff, busy-ness, even splitting my head open, plus the inevitable voice “telling me to stop”…
…I continued to deliver, sharing my thoughts, stories, and a mindset shift with you, each and every week.
I am proud of that fact and…
…all it did for me was develop an insane amount of CONSISTENCY, with stronger self-accountability too.
Even if you didn’t open a single email, I still showed up.
To find out what was possible.
To put the oxygen mask on.
And guess what?
The CONSISTENCY rolled over into so many other areas of my life.
Whether it’s my health and fitness routine, studying to become a better entrepreneur, discovering how to be a stronger leader for my team, and being a more focused and present husband/father for my family…
This Storybook has instilled an abundance of confidence, proving that when I put my mind to something, I’ll follow through.
One of my core values.
Do what you say you’re going to do!
I am extremely grateful to have shared 100 FLIGHTS with you and even more grateful for the hundreds of you who have been with me since the beginning.
Putting up 100 was always the goal.
I did it to find out what would come from something new, challenging, and (hopefully) inspiring you to achieve your own success and happiness along the way.
For me, it was discovering what I was capable of by being CONSISTENT.
This Storybook gave me a weekly deadline and it was important for me to hit that, because it was what I set out to do.
And that’s what this has been all about.
Finding life design and alignment through writing.
Building discipline here, that would end up translating into many other areas of my life.
To find happiness, joy, and success through all opportunities.
Only saying yes to opportunities that align, avoiding the chaos, and having some fun doing what we as humans are meant to do…
As I look back on these last two years of writing, this newsletter was the runway for…
Co-hosting the 👉 SuccessFlow Podcast, dropping over 90 weekly episodes.
Leading workshops for people to 👉 JUMP towards “their” next level with clarity.
Building a 👉 6-week virtual group mastermind program for accountability.
Designing a 👉 Playbook for creating the life you want and deserve.
Writing a 👉 Masterclass on Opportunity Awareness.
Speaking in front of large groups of people, sharing the 👉 OPPO FLOW™️ Mindset.
None of that would have happened if I didn’t start creating and sharing.
I also read more books than I ever have in the previous year combined, took my health seriously, learned the power of routine and CONSISTENCY, while becoming a stronger leader, entrepreneur, and someone I could be proud of.
All this while operating my core business, a multi-million dollar payroll franchise, and proving to my team, along with those around me, that you are more than what your job or career says you are.
Your brand is YOU.
And it’s your responsibility to dictate what you want that brand to be or others will dictate that for you.
Launching this Storybook has become a pivotal moment for me.
It’s kicked off the legacy I’m striving for.
I still have a lot more to do and grow, but this will always be the starting point for how I made significant changes in my life in order to achieve what I want the rest of my life to look like.
And now I am just as excited to see where the trajectory goes from here for you.
I challenge you to do something 100 times in a row.
Make a commitment to yourself and develop CONSISTENCY.
It’s not flashy, and it’s definitely not easy, but it is effective.
Start small.
Soon enough it’ll become habit and routine that will translate into other areas of your life as well.
CONSISTENCY helps you stay on track and reach your goals, even when motivation is low.
It’s this level of self-accountability that breeds success.
Success in whatever it is you want out of life.
Nothing happens overnight, and attacking your purpose with patience, CONSISTENCY, and an open mind will get you to where you want to go.
I met that goal here with 100 FLIGHTS, and that milestone, with everything I’ve learned and implemented along the way, has served it’s purpose.
Although, my writing may be stopping for now, sharing the OPPO FLOW™️ Mindset through entrepreneurship, and other creative ways will not.
I am taking the 3-4 hours per week it would take me to put these FLIGHTS together, and applying that time towards other ways for making a dent in this world, as I continue my own pursuit of excellence.
I can’t thank you enough for all of your support, comments, replies, and encouragement over these last two years.
For allowing me to be vulnerable, create, and discover new ideas right in front of you.
I can’t thank you enough for CONSISTENTLY reading these FLIGHTS week in and week out.
Proven with just about 50% open rates or more with every FLIGHT, which was so awesome to know that I was hitting the mark for so many of you.
To be honest, I am a little sad to see the end of the 👉 Weekly Storybook (you can access ALL FLIGHTS ever written here), but I am also very excited for what’s to come.
Don’t worry…
You know I’ll send some updates from time to time.
I appreciate you for trusting me and hope that you’ve found a ton of value, with the right motivation to keep going, reaching for the stars, finding alignment, and following your path to achieving your dreams!
As this FLIGHT comes to a nice and easy soft landing on the tarmac of possibility…
You can hear the captain speaking…
“As the ol’ saying goes… All good things…
…must come to an end and we have arrived!”
So as we depart this last FLIGHT, be proud of where you started, happy with how far you’ve come, and excited for the next adventure, because…
…now you know…
…it’s your CONSISTENCY that will always be with you…
…to ensure your future SUCCESS.
a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week
Feel free to remain connected. Happy to be a resource for you anytime: [email protected]
Also, even though the Storybook is coming to a close, the SuccessFlow Podcast is most definitely not! Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel or follow us on Spotify to continue receiving a mindset shift, perspectives, and ideas as you define success for yourself. We drop new weekly episodes on Wednesdays!
Lastly, if you’re interested in purchasing the Life Design Playbook, joining one of our Virtual Mastermind Cohorts, or want to stay informed with our next JUMP Workshop, be sure to head on over to www.OPPOFLOW.com
Opportunity is Everywhere!
Cheers, Steven
Watch Episode #88 of the SuccessFlow Podcast
In this episode of the Success Flow podcast, we welcome Calie Patrick, a dedicated Muay Thai fighter and community builder at Reset: Mind & Body. Callie shares her journey from working in behavioral health to discovering her passion for health and wellness through martial arts. She discusses the importance of alignment in her career and fighting, the challenges she faced along the way, and her growth as both an athlete and a leader. The conversation also delves into the art of Muay Thai, the preparation for competition, and the beauty of the sport. In this conversation, Calie discusses her experiences in fight camps, the mental and physical preparation required for international competitions, and the importance of resilience in the face of doubt. She shares insights on how martial arts has influenced her life, emphasizing discipline, self-defense, and the transformative power of recovery techniques like cold therapy. The discussion culminates in her personal definition of success, which revolves around continuous self-improvement and learning.