- OPPO FLOW Storybook
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- To achieve big outcomes...
To achieve big outcomes...
...you have to have a little bit of this
Welcome to the Storybook
Each week, I share… ✍️
a definition 🤓
a quick story 📖
a mindset shift 🤯
an opportunity list 💡

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the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset
Welp… I did myself in pretty good this past Saturday playing basketball.
Going full speed on a fastbreak, my momentum carried me out of bounds chasing a loose ball, and as I jumped on a chair to brace for impact, not realizing what was above me, I took a header into the edge of a brick wall…
OOF!! 🤕
I landed in the ER and, after 17 staples later to close up my nasty gash, I was ordered to lay low and rest up for the week.
I’ll spare you the pictures, as it wasn’t pretty, but it was definitely an eventful weekend like none other I’ve experienced before, followed up by a very uneventful week.
The hardest part about this whole ordeal is having PATIENCE, trusting the process, and limiting activity until I am fully healed.
The weird thing with a concussion is your body doesn’t hurt and you’re not sick, so you feel like you can still do normal things moving around, until you start feeling like you’re on a boat or a merry-go-round, standing in your kitchen.
The good news is, I have Dr. Harris aka my 10 year old daughter, and her Nurse Kimberly, my wife, reminding me of that every day and taking great care of me.
P.S. Both the initial and follow up CT scans came back all clear, so I’m all good there.
Having PATIENCE isn’t about sitting around and doing nothing.
It’s about being okay with the time it takes to achieve something, when you know you’re putting in the work.
It’s about not getting frustrated if it’s taking longer than you had hoped, when you’re on the right path.
For example, at first, I was most definitely frustrated of the situation because of the unknown and disruption it was causing mine and my family’s life.
I didn’t know when I would be back to 100% and was getting down on myself with the feeling that I was not doing anything meaningful.
For those that know me personally, I am not the type of guy who likes to “lay low”.
However, as I stayed on my round the clock routine of meds, rest, ice, and heat, I realized, that I’m not doing nothing… I’m healing.
And that’s just the priority right now.
Sometimes, when the universe is trying to tell you to slow down and you don’t listen…
…it’ll find a way to make you listen.
Same as in business, or any other goal you have.
You can’t rush the big outcome for long-term success.
You need to a take step back to become more aware of what’s going on and what’s really important to you.
What are the steps you need to take to get to where you need to be.
So what if you change your mindset to focus on little results instead of the big outcome?
Opportunity is the fuel for success.
The opportunity to achieve something small, builds on the next opportunity to achieve something bigger.
And in order to achieve the outcomes you want…
…you have to have a little PATIENCE along the way.
a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week
I write these emails weekly. If you’ve been a longtime subscriber and enjoy reading them, I’d love for you to share with a friend and ask them to subscribe as well. Help a concussed guy out and grow his 👉 Storybook reader base. 🙌
The JUMP is back!!! 👈 Finish the year strong with our third transformative in person workshop experience of the year and gear up for a strong, and aligned, year in 2025. Only 25 spots available. Use Code: OPPOFLOW25 for $25 off
I am in the process of putting together the framework for a 👉 6-week Virtual Mastermind that will kick off in January 2025. This will be an amazing opportunity for anyone nationwide as this will be 100% online. An incredible deep dive and strategic experience, collaborating with others striving for growth and success in life and career. If you’re interested in learning more, please 👉 APPLY HERE
As always, please reply to this email with your thoughts, questions, or future topic ideas.
I read every email and love seeing your feedback.
Opportunity is Everywhere!
Cheers, Steven
Watch Episode #76 from the SuccessFlow Podcast.
In this conversation, Phil and I have a great conversation with the Award Winning Sentari Minor. He is currently the Chief of Staff at EvolvedMD, a rapidly-growing Phoenix based company changing the way we have access to mental healthcare. We chat about the importance of self-branding, his college days on the cheer team, and the importance of being on various boards to help further the mission of others. Sentari also writes for Forbes, a national speaker on mental health, a PBJ 40 under 40 and Titan100 winner, along with being a member of our exclusive Junto Mastermind Group.
Click here to connect with Sentari on LinkedIn