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Discovering Opportunity...
...to find out what's possible 🔍

Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.
Each week I send a Mindset Shift to bring alignment and develop stronger opportunity awareness towards your perception of success and happiness.
To get on next week’s FLIGHT… 🚀

The OPPO FLOW Life Design Intro Playbook is available NOW for digital download and only $49.
Working on WHO you are, WHERE you want to go, WHY you want to get there, and HOW you’re going to do it. 🚀
This 20 page PLAYBOOK is a 5-day mission, designed to elevate your overall perception of success, achieve stronger opportunity awareness, and provide the foundational framework for making it happen.
“One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.”
Masterclass 3 of 4:
The Power of Discovering Opportunity
We’re half way through this Power of Opportunity Masterclass and I trust that you’ve found value from the first two sessions.
If you need to catch up on those, click the links below…
…good opportunities for action are there for the taking.
It’s up to you, to determine if it aligns with your values, purpose, vision, and goals.
If you should, could, and will do it, then JUMP! 🦘
If the thought doesn’t align or fails your thought prompt filter, then PASS. 🚮
…good opportunities are born through preparation and putting in the work.
Your effort level will determine your progress.
With progress, the more success and confidence you’ll see from your daily efforts…
…the more success you see, the stronger your habits become…
…and the more consistency you’ll achieve.
Consistency creates opportunity out of thin air.
You are building your future, and this creates opportunity for stronger AWARENESS.
Awareness to DISCOVER more opportunities that already existed, but couldn’t see before.
Creating opportunity is the belief that the opportunity would not have existed without your efforts in building it…
…such as writing a book 📘 or inventing a product. ⚙️
Discovering opportunity is the belief that the opportunity was already there, created by others, and it’s up to you to find it.
…such as buying a franchised business 🏢 or meeting the love of your life. 🥰
To DISCOVER something or someone, including things about yourself, is to find it unexpectedly or in the course of a search.
Opportunity DISCOVERY can also be about finding the gaps and solving a problem.
It’s being savvy, aware, and connecting the dots for future success.
There are two ways to DISCOVER a good opportunity through experience.
Your encounters.
Your accumulated knowledge.
Let’s dive in… 🤿
Discovered through Experience
The term "experience" can be defined in several ways, depending on the context in which it is used.
This could come from your expertise in a particular industry or subject.
This could also come from the sensory perception (sight, hear, taste, touch, smell) in the adventures you take, and being aware of your surroundings.
Overall, experience is a multifaceted concept that contributes significantly to personal growth, learning, and the development of skills and knowledge.
Let me give you some examples…
As an entrepreneur, you may DISCOVER an opportunity to market an innovative product that solves an on-going industry problem.
As a financial advisor, you may DISCOVER an opportunity to solve a client’s financial crisis with strategic planning and picking up on market trends.
On a parent’s weekend getaway, you may DISCOVER an opportunity to make your daughter smile by finding a beach named after her while exploring and sending her this pic… 👇

Actual photo of two parents exploring. 🏖️
Throughout every day life, you can always DISCOVER an opportunity to make someone smile…
Give a compliment. 😊
Make them laugh. 😂
Hold the door. 🚪
Lend an ear. 👂
Give a hug. 🫂
There are millions of opportunities that are there, already existing in the world, and ready for us to act on.
They could be as small as making someone smile to DISCOVERING that you have a future in performing in front of a sold out audience. 💃🕺
Opportunity DISCOVERY comes from trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone.
When you challenge yourself on purpose, you DISCOVER new things about yourself and find out what you’re capable of.
Find out what’s POSSIBLE.
And GO ALL IN. 👊
Now, once you’ve DISCOVERED an opportunity to become an expert in a particular craft, your awareness for this opportunity not only gets you in the game, but you MUST be on a constant quest of further DISCOVERY in order to keep playing.
The best way to explain this is playing a hand of Texas Hold’em. ♠️♥️♦️♣️
You probably know it, but just in case you’ve never played…
Holed’em is a popular game of poker, where players use their cards to make the best five-card hand and win the pot.
Dealing: Each player is dealt two face-down cards, called "hole cards", and then five community cards are dealt face-up in three stages.
Betting: Players take turns betting before and after each card is revealed. There are four rounds of bets in total.
Playing: Players use their hole cards and the community cards to make their best five-card hand. The best hand wins the pot. 🤑
You have know idea what the other player is holding in their hand, but for the best poker players in the world what the other person is holding doesn’t always matter.
They DISCOVER opportunities throughout the game to either bet or fold based on what they think, hear, and see.
Professional poker players are EXPERTS at reading people.
They pick up on other players’ tells and through that DISCOVER opportunities to win the hand.
A “tell” is an expression, a gesture, or something that gives away the strength of your hand to another player.
Let me explain further by sharing a story from one of my favorite movies, ROUNDERS, starring Matt Damon, Edward Norton, and John Malkovich.
In the climactic final poker game, Mike McDermott (played by Damon) faces his nemesis, Teddy KGB (played by Malkovich) in a high-stakes Texas Hold'em game.
This showdown is not just about winning back the bankroll Mike lost earlier in the movie, but about proving his skill and reclaiming his future.
Throughout the movie, Mike has been portrayed as a talented poker player with a keen eye for reading opponents.
He leveraged his EXPERTISE to DISCOVER opportunities, as he took down each pot.
His sharp instincts come to the forefront in this final game.
A PIVOTAL MOMENT occurs when Mike picks up on KGB's tell.
Teddy KGB has an odd habit of eating Oreos during the game, but Mike notices something subtle: KGB breaks open the Oreos and eats them only when he has a strong hand.
During a crucial hand, Mike is dealt top two pair.
A great, but not an unbeatable hand.
KGB makes a significant bet, and Mike watches closely as KGB fiddles with the Oreo, and eats it.
Previously in the game, Mike remembers that when he had made a big bet, KGB broke the Oreo away from the cream filling and did NOT eat it…
…thus deciding to fold his hand proving to Mike that he didn’t have a good one.
This small yet crucial observation signals to Mike that KGB has the better hand this time around, because he ate the Oreo.
Trusting his read, Mike decides to fold his top two pair and show KGB his cards.
KGB, expecting to be paid off from his bets, realized his tell had been DISCOVERED, erupts in anger, smashing the Oreo tray in frustration, symbolizing the collapse of his psychological edge.
Mike goes on to win the 1 on 1 game, and his victory is a testament to his growth as a player and his ability to read and outthink his opponent.
This win allows him to reaffirm his belief in his poker abilities, setting the stage for his future with renewed confidence and determination.
If you’d like to watch the final scene 👉 CLICK HERE
Just like Mike, whose played a million hands of poker and became aware of a “tell” that seemingly no one else had ever been able to spot…
…you will also be able to DISCOVER opportunities that will help you further along on your mission. 🚀
The more expertise you have, the more awareness you have for what works and what doesn’t.
The more times you’ve done something, or the more you know about something, the more expertise you develop.
Which opens the door for the DISCOVERY 🔍 of new OPPORTUNITIES that help you win.

Opportunity DISCOVERY starts with YOU. 🫵
If you want more opportunities to come your way, being open, aware, and able to connect the dots is CRUCIAL.
DISCOVERING opportunities can come from issues, problems, or roadblocks that need to be solved in order to achieve your goals as well.
These DISCOVERY opportunities can also be found through constructive feedback that your actions, or lack there of, are causing issues for someone else. 😔
If you can look at a current problem as an opportunity to resolve, and not as a frustration because it’s there…
…then you’re coming in with a growth and positive MINDSET, which helps you learn more about yourself.
The more you learn about yourself, the more you’re able to find out what’s possible. 💪
This is a SUPER POWER that comes from DISCOVERING opportunities through your experiences and expertise.
This is the MINDSET SHIFT. 🤯
That’s a wrap on SESSION 3 of 4. 🛬
We’ll see you next week to go over how opportunity is Offered through the relationships you’ve developed. 🙌
If this has been helpful for you so far, consider sharing this email with a friend by clicking the button below. 👇
Pssst… while you wait for our last leg of this Masterclass…
Check out Episode 54 of the SuccessFlow Podcast.
Please like, subscribe, comment, and share. 🤗
Episode 54: Recapping Current Sports News
Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!
Cheers! Steven
BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋♂️
1. Did you know I also run a franchised payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.
2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK
3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.

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