Creating Opportunity... Control your Destiny 🚀

Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.

Each week I send a Mindset Shift to bring alignment and develop stronger opportunity awareness towards your perception of success and happiness.

To get on next week’s FLIGHT… 🚀

The OPPO FLOW Life Design Intro Playbook is available NOW for digital download and only $49.

Working on WHO you are, WHERE you want to go, WHY you want to get there, and HOW you’re going to do it. 🚀

This 20 page PLAYBOOK is a 5-day mission, designed to elevate your overall perception of success, achieve stronger opportunity awareness, and provide the foundational framework for making it happen.

“Don’t wait for the right opportunity; create it.”

~ George Bernard

Masterclass 2 of 4:

The Power of Creating Opportunity

Last week we learned about how our thoughts prompt an opportunity for action.

Engaging in activities, habits, and life design that provide mental clarity, will strengthen your awareness for opportunity and build the confidence to say yes when it aligns, even when it seems impossible.

ICYMI, check out the writeup here 👉 FLIGHT #062

Here’s the TL;DR…

I used three different examples of how a thought prompts an opportunity…

…seeing something that reminds you of a friend or family member, so you wonder how they’re doing, but you haven’t talked with them in awhile.

…this thought prompts an opportunity to reach out to them and actually see how they’re doing!

…realizing you’re not happy with your weight, so you think about making a change to your health habits, but you don’t know where to begin.

…this thought prompts an opportunity to research and develop a health plan with a routine that works for you!

…knowing you’re capable of more, so you consider starting a business, but you’re afraid of failing.

…this thought prompts an opportunity to explore your options, surround yourself with those who have been where you want to go, gain confidence through action, and learn from other entrepreneurs!

Ideas pop into our heads all the time without our control and they come and go quickly.

When one makes you stop and think for a minute, use your filter to quickly dismiss it or decide on pursuing it.

  • Should I do it?

    • Does it align with my values, purpose, vision, and goals?

  • Could I do it?

    • Do I have the time, or physical, financial, or mental capability?

  • Will I do it?

    • Do I have a compelling reason why I want to do it?

Opportunity is everywhere for our assessment and for the taking, but we also have the ability to CREATE IT through our work ethic, and preparation.

Let’s dive in… 🤿

Created by Effort

You can’t control everything in life.

But… one thing you can control is your effort level. 💪

Good opportunities are created by strong effort.

This is the driving force to whatever it is that you want out of your life.

And no one will do the work for you to reach your goals.

It is your responsibility, and only yours… to SHOW UP.

So how do we get in the habit of being consistent and controlling our destiny?

First, it takes an unwavering commitment.

A commitment to yourself. 👊

Basically, whatever it is you’re striving for, you have to really want it.

You have to believe in it so much that you will put in the work to get there.

If you want to look like an athlete…

…commit to the hard workouts.

If you want to own a successful business…

…commit to doing whatever it takes and remain patient.

If you want to be a go-to resource for people…

…commit to consistently sharing your message for them to know, like, and trust you.

These things that you want will not happen overnight… 🙅

…anyone you’ve seen and consider successful, did not get there without hard work and consistency.

CREATING opportunity for yourself is all about the micro and tackling the small compounding tasks at hand with efficient work.

Let me give you a few examples…

Get in shape, but don't know where to start, so go on a daily walk with a weight vest. 

This will not only get your heart rate up and start you on the right path, but you’re now creating an opportunity for an IDENTITY SHIFT to become a healthy person when you stack more positive habits as you start feeling stronger.

Grow a business, but are afraid of speaking in front of people, so join a networking group or mastermind. 

Not only will this grow your confidence, but you’re now creating an opportunity for future sales through effective public speaking, storytelling, structure, and surrounding yourself with other business owners who INSPIRE and MOTIVATE you to keep going.

Coach people, but you don’t know how to reach them, so get on social media and start sharing your thoughts and expertise. 

Not only will this get your voice and story out there to your niche audience, but you’re now creating an opportunity to practice your messaging, be creative, and explore new ideas for becoming a THOUGHT LEADER.

CREATING opportunity is not possible without preparation.

Preparation drives confidence and determines the compounding nature of every opportunity.

The goal is to find ways to continue CREATING opportunity from opportunity for further growth.

A great resource and illustration can be found in 👉 FLIGHT #048: The Opportunity Cycle

Another way to demonstrate the OPPORTUNITY CYCLE 🔁 is moving a prospect through a strategic sales pipeline.

Let’s say, you’ve started a new gig in enterprise software sales. 🧑‍💻

You have BIG dreams and goals of becoming the top salesperson in your new organization within the next 2 years. 🚀

These thoughts align and prompt the opportunity for action, because they’ve passed your thought filter…

  • SHOULD I? Yes, it aligns with my values, purpose, vision, and goals.

  • COULD I? Yes, I have the means, capacity, and willingness to work.

  • WILL I? Yes, I want this for my future legacy and experience.

You then decide that your first opportunity for action will be to CREATE a target list of your top 50 prospects. 👍

So… you begin to CREATE sales opportunities leveraging a multi-touch campaign.

A 10 day, seven touch campaign may look something like this…

  • MONDAY: Send an email, connect on LinkedIn

  • WEDNESDAY: Send a follow up email sharing an industry article

  • FRIDAY: Phone call, leave voicemail

  • MONDAY: DM on LinkedIn referencing email/voicemail from last week

  • TUESDAY: Follow up email sharing an interesting podcast episode

  • THURSDAY: Phone call, leave voicemail

  • FRIDAY: Send a video message via email/text

With each touch you’re asking for an opportunity to meet.

With strong follow-up and effective communication of your organization’s value proposition, one of those prospects (or multiple!) responds and agrees to a meeting.

You then move them into the discovery phase of your pipeline.

A real opportunity to earn new business that you’ve just CREATED with your work ethic.

Preparing for the discovery call will be all about THEM.

This meeting is not about you or your product.

That’s why it’s called a “discovery”. 🤿

You’re finding out if their needs align with what you offer.

They took the meeting so they already know what you’re offering at a basic level.

Your ability to CREATE a new opportunity and progress through the sales cycle at this point will be hindered on how well prepared you are going into the discovery call.

Preparing for that call with information about the decision maker, not only on their company’s initiatives and needs, but also on a personal level, will show you’ve done your homework 📝 and that you CARE.

This helps you STAND OUT and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

With a successful discovery call, you’ve just CREATED another opportunity to continue the sales process and provide a proposal or product demo.

As any sales professional knows, price won’t matter if you’ve developed a compelling reason why your product or service is a must have for them to operate their business efficiently, AND they’ve grown to trust YOU.

With their buy in, you’ve CREATED an opportunity to close the deal and agree on expectations for the life of the relationship.

Now, once they’ve signed up… this is where most sales professionals drop the ball.

Your current clients are your best resource for CREATING future opportunities.

Follow up by asking for a referral or testimonial you can share with another prospect in the same industry and add to your multi-touch campaign.

Then, start the cycle all over again. 🔁

Putting in the work up front with a multi-touch campaign, nailing your messaging, preparing for each call by doing your homework, and developing the relationship by actively listening to your prospect’s needs, is how you CREATE future opportunities for yourself towards success. 🤩

CREATING opportunity from opportunity in alignment will keep you on the path towards your DESTINY. 🚀

Believe what you want, but you have a DESTINY.

Here is the definition…

…events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future; the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

And you know what?! 🤔 

...that hidden power is ALL YOU.

You are destined to accomplish your DREAMS. 🤩

You are destined to make an IMPACT on this world. 🌎

You are fully in control of what you want your life to be like and putting in the daily work to CREATE future opportunities for yourself is the key to achieving that.

It all comes down to preparation and effort.

The strength in your efforts today are preparing you with the level of confidence required for the opportunities of tomorrow.

This is how opportunities are CREATED. ⚒️

This is how you control your DESTINY. 🚀

This is the MINDSET SHIFT. 🤯

Congratulations on completing MASTERCLASS 2 of 4. 🛬

We’ll see you next week to go over The Power of Discovering Opportunity based on the experience and awareness you have. 🙌

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Pssst… while you wait for FLIGHT LEG 3 OF 4… 

Check out episode 53 of the SuccessFlow Podcast.

Please like, subscribe, comment, and share. 🤗

Episode 53: Do this One Thing to be Successful

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a franchised payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support. 🙏