The Opportunity Cycle šŸ”


Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.

OPPO FLOWā„¢ļø Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) is an Exclusive group of Allied Members working together to bring Purpose and Alignment into their Personal life, along with Growth and Opportunity into their Professional life.

ā€œInnovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.ā€

~ Steve Jobs

Hi there, Happy Thursday!

I talk a lot about how Opportunity is Everywhere.

Because itā€™s true. šŸ«”

Every single day there are fresh opportunities to learn, develop, and act upon.

This doesnā€™t mean saying yes to all of themā€¦

ā€¦but it certainly doesnā€™t mean you need to see a MASSIVE shift in your life before saying yes, either.

This DOES mean, however, that when you do say yesā€¦

ā€¦you must go into it knowing that you have the opportunity to create another opportunity from that opportunity.

WOWā€¦ thatā€™s a lot of opportunity in one sentence, but truthfully this is how you compound your pursuit of success to fulfill your wildest dreams. šŸ¤©


The OPPO FLOW Opportunity Cycleā€¦

Soooā€¦. How does this work?

Here are the six phases of the cycleā€¦

  • Mindset

  • Preparation

  • Awareness

  • Opportunity

  • Action

  • Assessment

Let me break down for yaā€¦ šŸ˜‰


This is where it all starts, ends, then starts again.

Itā€™s all about perspective.

Are you able to keep an OPEN MIND? šŸ¤Æ

Do you have the ability to look at the BRIGHT SIDE in all things? šŸ˜Ž

Can you see every experience as an OPPORTUNITY to learn something new? šŸ“š

In order to figure out what you want the rest of your life to look like and determine the goals you need to achieve to make that happenā€¦

ā€¦You MUST be of the mindset that you are willing to put in the work to change the trajectory of your life in a positive way. šŸš€


This is where you actually put in the work.

When youā€™re stuck or feel like you donā€™t know what to do, this is where you simply become a knowledge seeker.

You donā€™t know what to do because you lack the education or skill.

We all have to START somewhere to prepare for new opportunity and no one begins as an expert on a new path.

Two great ways to gain insightā€¦

  1. Read books. šŸ“–šŸ“–

  2. Find someone whose already been where you want go. šŸ‘šŸ‘

ā€¦Then ask questions. šŸ¤”

There are a lot of people who donā€™t have the guts to ask questions to who they perceive as successful, out of fear that they may look incompetent or stupid.

If that sounds like youā€¦ STOP THAT. šŸ™…ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø

In reality, itā€™s your limiting beliefs getting the best of you.

If they think your dumb for asking questions and wanting to learn from them, then are they really as successful as you might have first thought?


For them, thereā€™s nothing more fulfilling than educating others when theyā€™re in a place to educate.

And thereā€™s nothing more fulfilling when you can learn from others who have already been where you want to go.

It brings clarity and provokes new thoughts or ideas to gain clarity.

Donā€™t be afraid to ask questions and leverage those people around you, who are living out their own SUCCESS, to become better prepared for your future.

Preparation is also about putting your mind and body to work towards maintaining stronger, long lasting health. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹

You wonā€™t be able to act on any opportunities if youā€™re not here, so put an emphasis on your health to prepare for longevity.

Think about what changes you need to make and what daily habits you can incorporate to prepare mentally, physically, and spiritually in order to become the best version of yourself.

When youā€™re happy, healthy, and focusedā€¦ you become UNSTOPPABLE. šŸ’Ŗ


The more prepared you are, with the knowledge and positive habits you accumulate, the more confident you become.

Confidence brings self-awareness.

Knowing who you truly are helps weed out the stuff thatā€™s stopping you from success.

You can start by defining your Personal Core Values to find alignment.

For a deeper dive šŸ¤æ on how to do thisā€¦ Check out šŸ‘‰ FLIGHT #018 

The more self aware you become, the more awareness youā€™ll have for external opportunities that will further your growth.



knowledge and understanding that something is happening or exists

If thatā€™s the definition of AWARENESS, then developing an understanding that GOOD OPPORTUNITY exists is the key to jumping quickly when they arrive.

Be careful of your fallacies, however.

A bad opportunity can be easily sold as a good one.

Reflecting on your past experiences will help with having more aligned awareness in the future.


This is either created by the work you put in, discovered through the expertise you have, or developed by the relationships youā€™ve cultivated.

GOOD opportunities are the ones thatā€¦

  • provide momentum in the right direction

  • align with your core values

  • promote positive energy

  • serve your purpose

  • spark ideas

Againā€¦ a good opportunity does not have to be HUGE.

They are, more often than not, small daily opportunities that will add up to those PIVOTAL MOMENTS.

Jump at the ones that make senseā€¦

ā€¦and say NO to the ones thatā€¦

  • steal your energy

  • donā€™t serve your purpose

  • make you experience self-doubt

  • provide an emptiness in reciprocity

  • are completely draining mentally and emotionally


This is where you leverage everything you know to be true from your experiences, your knowledge, the people around you, and your commitment to challenging yourself on purpose.

Jump. šŸ¦˜


You have nothing to loseā€¦

Youā€™ll either Win or Learn.

Donā€™t wait on this stuff.

Good opportunities are amazing when you act on them, but a huge bummer when you freeze because youā€™ll never know what could have been.

Try not to miss too many.


Come from the mentality ofā€¦

Things donā€™t happen TO us, they happen FOR us.


Things donā€™t happen TO us, they happen FOR us.

When you experience setbacks and obstaclesā€¦

ā€¦embrace them as new challenges for knowledge and growth. šŸ“ˆ

When you find successā€¦

ā€¦create new opportunity and continue the cycle. šŸ”

All successes and failures are TEMPORARY.

Continue the pursuit and fill in the gaps to remain disciplined and consistent with how you navigate your life. šŸ›£ļø

The MAGIC here is realizing that the Opportunity Cycle is cyclical.

Opportunity should never die after your assessment.

It goes back to your MINDSET of what else can I do or learn from THIS opportunity?

How can I find another opportunity within that opportunity?

Then you go back into PREP MODE šŸŠ to become more AWARE of the next GOOD OPPORTUNITY.

The more cyclical you can make this in your life, the easier and quicker it flows towards your perception of SUCCESS. šŸ¤©

Hereā€™s an example of an Opportunity Cycle for how someone (**cough cough**) I got out of a rut and back on the path towards my own perception of success and happinessā€¦

ā€¦And this all started January 2023, by putting a focus on becoming the best version of myself while having the proper mindset to keep the Opportunity Cycle going.


Thatā€™s a real life scenario that happened over the course of last year and should paint a good picture for how opportunity is created from opportunity.

When you recognize it, take the action, donā€™t stop it, and amazing things will happen.

The results donā€™t happen overnight, but the work happens every day.

OPPO FLOW Opportunity Cycle works for everything you do, but it starts with your MINDSET to keep going and trust that your efforts matter.

Some examples could be, but not nearly limited toā€¦

  • Creating a new referral from a referred client. šŸ¤

  • Becoming an author from starting a newsletter. šŸ“˜

  • Being a great parent by taking care of your health. šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§ā€šŸ‘¦

  • Performing on stage from starting a YouTube Channel. šŸŽ¤

  • Buying your dream house from starting that side hustle. šŸ”

  • Winning the Super Bowl from your work ethic in the offseason. šŸˆ

  • Featured in Ironman magazine from starting a new running routine. šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø

It goes ON and ON and ONā€¦

and only the MOON is the LIMIT. šŸš€

You donā€™t always know where itā€™ll take youā€¦

ā€¦but one thing I know for sureā€¦

ā€¦youā€™re going to want to find out.

This is the MINDSET SHIFT. šŸ¤Æ

Below is a quick reference Playbook you can download for free. Just click the image to bring up the PDF. šŸ˜

Feel free to print or do whatever you want with it, but certainly use it as a reminder that Opportunity is Everywhere and itā€™s all about the actions we take and the mindset we have to continue down our path.

By they way, if youā€™d like to talk through any opportunities youā€™re currently evaluating or perhaps any growth challenges youā€™re going through, feel free to reply to this email and we can set up a time to chat. ā˜Žļø

Until our next FLIGHT, check out our latest episode of the SuccessFlow Podcast, where I legit got HYPNOTIZED!! šŸ˜±

Please subscribe, comment, and share on YOUTUBE. šŸ¤—

Episode 38: Being Hypnotized by Dom the Hypnotist

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when youā€™re ready, hereā€™s a few ways I can help you. šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø

1. Did you know I also run a payroll business in PHX?! If youā€™re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.


Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!