What's the real cost of...

...saying Yes, or Not? 🤔

Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.

Join me for a Transformative Workshop Experience through a unique approach to Personal Development and Professional Networking.

Monday, April 22nd at Kitsune Brewing (👈map) in Phoenix, AZ from 11:30am-3:00pm

This is a fun, collaborative, and eye-opening event, with deep work on the OPPO FLOW™️ Intro Playbook, and the opportunity to meet and network with like-minded individuals.

By the end of the workshop, you will grasp the concept of work/life integration and develop stronger opportunity awareness to JUMP at the ones that align. 

Tickets are only $100 each, so don't miss your opportunity to Take the Jump that could change the trajectory of your life in an incredible way. 🚀


Also, if you register before April 5th, I’ll send you a FREEBIE .pdf, listing out 20 actionable thoughts and ideas, along with 5 resources to MARCH Forward Towards Success. 🤩

“Your legacy is being written by yourself. Make the right decisions.”

~ Gary Vaynerchuk

Every single decision we make, or don’t make, on an opportunity that comes our way, comes with a cost…

And opportunities can be anywhere from daily small interactions or thoughts we have all the way to picking the right house in the right neighborhood in the right geographic location. 🏡

For every YES, you’re also saying NO to an infinite amount of things.

The opportunity is costing you the potential in something else.

So it’s important to make your decisions wisely.

Here’s the formula:

Opportunity Cost


Chosen Opportunity Gain


Forgone Opportunity Gain

  • Opportunity Cost = OC

  • Chosen Opportunity Gain = COG

  • Forgone Opportunity Gain = FOG


Let me give you a couple examples of what this looks like…

Let’s say you’re an artist 🧑‍🎨 and you have the choice to go out on Saturday night instead of work on a new piece of art that could be sold for $200.

If you decide to go out…

Your financial opportunity cost could look something like this…

COG - Spend $100

FOG - Earn $200

($100) - $200 = ($300) in lost Opportunity Cost.

You lost $100 by going out and didn’t produce a piece that would have sold for $200.

Vice versa, if you decided to work on your new piece of art instead of going out…

Then, your financial Opportunity Cost would be the opposite.

$200 - ($100) = $300 in gained Opportunity Cost.

You sold the art for $200 and saved $100 by not going out.

It’s a $300 swing in either direction. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬅️

However, we know that financial implications aren’t the only gains or losses when making decisions…

Perhaps, your night out is with a client, partner, or close friend in the industry and spending the time would help to continue developing the relationship.

Yeah, you spent some money and didn’t work on your piece of art, but that relationship ended up connecting you with a prominent art dealer in town…

Which led to a contract to produce multiple pieces of art 3 months from now. 👊

One can argue that the opportunity cost would be far greater by not going out in this situation.

And I would agree.

“So how do you decide?”

You need to look at nearly every decision you make and consider the alternative to weigh your options.

Is the next best option going to cost you more than you’re comfortable with, when making the choice on the perceived best option?

The tricky part is, you never really know what the future holds…

So it’s up to you, the artist, to decide which OPPORTUNITY aligned most with your goals at that time…

…and be okay with the outcomes.

Here’s another one… ✌️

Let’s say you own a coffee shop and looking to hire a new team member. ☕

You have 3 fantastic applicants to choose from. 🙌

  • PERSON ONE has the experience.

  • PERSON TWO has the culture fit.

  • PERSON THREE has the drive.

Each one represents an opportunity for you, your shop, and for them.

They all have a strong case to be a great addition. 💪

On the surface, there doesn’t seem to be a wrong answer, but the Opportunity Cost by choosing one over the other could become as follows…

  • PERSON ONE has a strong industry background.

    • OC = It was a challenge to break bad habits over Person 2 or 3.

  • PERSON TWO has a great personality.

    • OC = More time spent with extra training vs. Person 1 or 3.

  • PERSON THREE has the work ethic.

    • OC = Wasn’t the best culture fit compared to Person 1 or 2.

Again, the opportunity cost by going with one over the other won’t truly be known, because you can only hire one person…

However… knowing what’s most important to you and your coffee shop’s needs will help with that decision.

Just like all opportunities, you must find alignment with what works best for you with the knowledge that you have at that point in time.

It’s your responsibility to decide if the chosen opportunity will outweigh the forgone opportunity…

…and if you take action and it doesn’t pan out the way you’d hoped, be okay with the results…

…then pivot and learn to make better decisions going forward.

As you create, discover, and attack new opportunities with intention, leveraging your own experience will also help in making better decisions in the future.

Opportunity cost is an extremely difficult measure, but it’s an important measure to think about when making decisions…

…especially important ones that could potentially create pivotal moments.

And PIVOTAL MOMENTS are what we’re after. 🤩

Defining your Personal Core Values (👈 Check out Flight #018) and your ultimate vision, to know who you are and where you’re going, will help bring alignment for making these decisions a bit easier on yourself.

All you can do is prepare as best you can, trust that you’ve made the best educated decision possible, and the next best option isn’t too costly if you choose to skip that route.

Even still… Sometimes, you gotta trust your gut and just make the decision to go for it.

Waiting until you are 100% sure on something when you know it aligns, but you’re not sure if you can do it or if it’s truly the right choice, can also be costly because you’re choosing to NOT to do something instead.

The opportunity cost of not taking action on a good opportunity is the worst kind and thinking about what could have been is never-ending. 😔


The opportunity cost of NOT coming to 👉 THE JUMP Workshop Event on Monday, April 22nd in Phoenix, Arizona 🌵 could be an expensive one. 😜

Tickets are only $100 each.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity and share with a friend.


Choosing to sit on the sidelines is the same thing as saying NO to ACTION…

…which could be, and many times is, too large of an opportunity cost to not find out what you’re capable of or find out what’s possible.

When all else fails, take action and learn from your stumbles.

SUCCESS is born on the foundation of failure and grit.

What are your thoughts on this concept? Feel free to reply to this email. 😊


  1. Forward this email to a friend and ask them to 👉 Subscribe

  2. Subscribe 👈 to the SuccessFlow Podcast on YOUTUBE. 🙏

That’s it.

Thank you!

Until our next FLIGHT, check out our latest episode of the SuccessFlow Podcast.

Please like, subscribe, comment, and share. 🤗

Episode 44: This Platform just went Parabolic with it’s Stock IPO🚀🚀

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a franchised payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!