It's the Weekend, Let's Party! Or Should We? 🤔


Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook. 

Each week I fly an entertaining and motivating story that provides actionable items to inspire growth towards your success and happiness.

The weekly flights bring you one of the following:

A MINDSET SHIFT to prepare for opportunity and build better habits towards success. 🤯


AN OPPORTUNITY STORY sharing inspirational pivotal moments from someone’s life that changed their trajectory in a positive way. 🚀

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THE MINDSET SHIFT: Leverage the Weekend for Sharpening your Sword. ⚔️

Today is Saturday. Well… at least it was Saturday when I started writing this FLIGHT. 🛫

Now it’s Thursday. 😜 

I typically start letting the ideas flow and begin writing the outline for these weekly FLIGHTS over the weekend. 🛫

As I write this, it is 1:21pm AZ time 🌵 on Saturday August 26th, and I just got back from the gym. 🏋️‍♂️

Timestamp for Proof… you little skeptic!

As I sit down to work on the original topic I had scheduled for this week, I decided to postpone it to next week and here’s why…

I always write these from the heart 💓 and because it was 1:21pm when I sat down, I realized that is the date of my birthday, January 21st. 🥳

I couldn’t help myself but to reflect on all the progress I’ve made in my life since my last birthday. Annnnd… It’s A LOT. My biggest year to date. 🙌

Thinking back on the decisions I’ve made, the habits I’ve developed, and the opportunity stories I’ve experienced because of the positive shifts I’ve committed to.

For this week’s FLIGHT, let’s touch on why the weekend should MUST be leveraged to continue sharpening the sword, when you’re trying to make positive changes in your life. 👍

For the longest time, weekends were for delving into the abyss of brainless activity. ❌🧠❌

Literally the goal was to NOT have to think about anything or do anything strenuous from Friday night until Monday morning. 🙅‍♂️

After all, the five weekdays before the weekend were filled with challenges, stress, long hours, and constant decision making.

Pigging out on junk food, usually with a drink in hand, floating through Saturday and Sunday like a FREAKING sea cucumber. 🥒

I work HARD, so I earned this, right?

Don’t need to use my brainpower. Let’s COAST. 🌊

Sounds fun, eh?! And it was actually…for a LONG TIME!

Welp… So I thought…

Over the course of time… It caught up with me…

…my body started shutting down from all the unhealthy dietary habits and lack of exercise.

Not just skipping out on that stuff on the weekends, but also throughout the weekdays.

My habits were okay, but they were worse on the weekends when I wasn’t on the move to distract me.

I felt weak and exhausted all the time to start the week.

Never felt refreshed or energized for the busy week ahead. 😔

As I got older, I would find that my weekend habits would actually set me back another day, sometimes two, before I really got into the groove of the week.

Then back to the weekend of not-so-great habits. VICIOUS CYCLE. 😨

This was the GRIND and the WEEKEND WARRIOR lifestyle I had always been accustomed to.

However, I was hurting. Mentally and physically.

The crazy thing is, no one really knew.

I acted fine. I was always there having fun with family and friends.

I was always seemingly happy to outsiders, even if I didn’t feel it.

Truth be told, I was unhappy… With MYSELF.

I knew I was capable of so much more.

I needed change and I needed it fast.

I didn’t like the path I was on and took notice of the direction I was going.

I wasn’t a fan.

I wanted NEEDED to become the best version of myself that I could possibly be and, for me, it started with a focus on my health and mindset.

Fall of last year, I sat down to define what I wanted out of life, not only for myself, but for my family as well.

I starting asking myself questions like…

  • What is this rat race of life really about?

  • What is my true purpose for being here?

  • What do I want the rest of my life to look like?

  • What is the legacy I want to leave behind when I’m old and gray?

Fast forward to January of this year, my beautiful wife surprised me for my birthday weekend 🥳 and we spent a staycation together at a Wellness Spa. 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️

The wellness classes we took and the conversations we had over the course of those two days were the catalyst to the IDENTITY SHIFT I’ve now experienced since.

After that B-day weekend, I started developing little incremental changes over the course of the next three months, throwing out the bad habits little by little, and incorporating new positive daily habits one by one.

My first couple of changes were cutting down on the alcohol, which led to healthier food choices and strength training, along with creating my own Successful Morning Routine (👈 Click for FLIGHT #014) and leveraging the Daily POWER (👈 Click for FLIGHT #009) to stay on track.

There was A LOT of progress being made during the week, but the weekend still presented a challenge to maintain those habits.

The weekend is meant for a REFRESH and RESET. 😊

You have your own PURPOSE and your own perception of SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. 🤩

Whatever that looks like for you, ensuring that you remain on your path is by developing and sticking to the positive habits required to get you there.

Weekends provide a little more freedom than the workweek and open the door for more temptation.

It’s easy to fall back into your old ways when you have more time on your hands.

As you start making positive changes in your life, choose how you spend your weekends wisely…

  • The people you spend them with.

  • The activities you spend them doing.

  • The choices you make.

Now, I’m not saying your weekend has to be EXACTLY the same as your weekday routine.

For example, my normal weekday morning routine is wake up at 5:30am with breathwork, meditation, then either a workout, reading, or writing starting at 6:15am.

My Saturday morning will have the same habits and routine, but I will definitely take advantage of the time to sleep in a little bit and catch up on some rest. 😴

What I have learned is that carrying those habits into your weekend and use any down time to focus on learning, growing, challenging yourself on purpose, and spending quality time with those closest to you, has proven to set you up for SUCCESS going into the week ahead. 🙌

This also provides a COMPOUNDING EFFECT in achieving the IDENTITY SHIFT that you’re seeking. 📈

Now, I’m not the “No Fun Police” and it isn’t all rigid. Fit those habits and routines in wherever you can, I’ve just learned to not to skip them altogether.

If you have a hiccup, that’s OK!

Cheat day? All good!

Don’t be mean to yourself. Give yourself GRACE. 🙏

Get back after it the next day and continue pushing forward.

When you start making positive change in the direction you want to go, don’t let two days of the weekend ruin your progress from the five days prior.

Wasting those two days on things that no longer serve your PURPOSE, makes it THAT much harder to remain on your path towards SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. 🤩

Focus on your positive habits, then carry them through the weekend, to setup a successful start to the week. 💪

Leverage the weekend to sharpen the sword and remain consistent.

Consistency is KEY. 🗝️

This is the MINDSET SHIFT. 🤯

“You can’t predict the future, but you can prepare for it.”

~ James Clear

GOOD LUCK and have an amazing Labor Day Weekend!

Until our next FLIGHT, enjoy your Song of the Week! 👇

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Check out the SuccessFlow Podcast🎙️ Tune in and follow wherever you listen to your pods.

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Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

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