To live life to the fullest...

...don't forget to share this everyday

Welcome to the Storybook

Each week, I share… ✍️

  • a definition 🤓

  • a quick story 📖

  • a mindset shift 🤯

  • an opportunity list 💡

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the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

This week has been a completely different week than last week, feeling much more back to normal. 🙌

If you missed last week’s writeup you can check out 👉 FLIGHT #086 to find out what happened and how being patient has paid off.

This whole ordeal could have been much, much worse, but in the end, it didn’t go down that potentially fateful path, and I’ll be back to 100% very soon.

In short, it has me moving forward with exponentially more GRATITUDE than before.

As I reflect on it, this type of experience definitely had me question, think, and realize what’s most important in my life.

It changed the way I look at my future, and completely diminishes the little things I’m worried about.

It showed me that life comes at you fast, tomorrow is never guaranteed, and there’s no reason to wait on the things you want.

It showed me the people who care about, and love me, the most.

It showed me to be GRATEFUL for every fresh morning I get.


Life is crazy.

Throughout it, there are a handful of pivotal moments that shape the way you think, act, and become the person you are today.

A pivotal moment changes the trajectory of your life in some way.

It comes through…

  1. a decision you made

  2. an experience you had

  3. a relationship you developed

The decision can give you a brand new perspective into what’s possible or it can cause you to lose confidence.

The experience can give you GRATITUDE for what truly matters or it can cause you to cope in negative ways.

The relationship can open the door for opportunities or it can instill limiting beliefs.

Pivotal moments can be good or bad.

Be triumphant or disheartening.

Cause happiness or sadness.

Won or lost.

No matter what happens, these pivotal moments change who you are forever.

And it’s up to you to find the clarity for what you need to do next.

But how?

Document your life more often.

To be clear, you do not need to do this publicly…

…but this allows you to create a time capsule for you to express GRATITUDE as you reflect back on it later in life.

Sometimes, we don’t even realize our decisions or experiences or people who come into our lives become a pivotal moment until long after it’s happened, based on the outcomes.

And you don’t usually see them coming, so you need to prepare for them and that’s where the work gets put in.

Get in the habit of documenting your life, such as journaling, every day to learn more about yourself and capture your unique perspectives.

Give yourself the opportunity of realizing the importance for these moments and what they’re trying to tell you with a refreshed perspective.

These are your moments.

These are your life’s stories.

Whether you decide to share them one day is up to you, but this gives you the opportunity to do so and potentially help others going through similar situations.

No matter what, always remember…

…to live life to the fullest…

…share GRATITUDE for it all…

…every single day.


a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week

  1. Start capturing your daily perspectives, by leveraging my Award-Winning Daily POWER Playbook. 💥 All you need to do is share this Storybook with a friend by using the link below and I’ll send you the FREE PDF download via email. 🙌

  1. The JUMP is back!!! 👈 Finish the year strong with our third transformative in person workshop experience of the year and gear up for a strong, and aligned, year in 2025. Only 25 spots available. Use Code: OPPOFLOW25 for $25 off

  2. I am in the process of putting together the framework for a 👉 6-week Virtual Mastermind that will kick off in January 2025. This will be an amazing opportunity for anyone nationwide as this will be 100% online. An incredible deep dive and strategic experience, collaborating with others striving for growth and success in life and career. If you’re interested in learning more, please 👉 APPLY HERE

As always, please reply to this email with your thoughts, questions, or future topic ideas.

I read every email and love seeing your feedback.

Opportunity is Everywhere!

Cheers, Steven

Watch Episode #77 from the SuccessFlow Podcast.

Phil took the reigns on the pod this week and flew solo to discuss the concept of Deep Work and the Habit of Ferocity. It’s an incredible deep dive full of ideas, suggestions, stories, and perfect examples of why this stuff works and how to become a more efficient human being, both personally and professionally.