A Mastermind Summit for the Ages: Junto Arizona 🌵


Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook. 

Each week I fly an entertaining and motivating story that provides actionable items to inspire growth towards your success and happiness.

The weekly flights bring you one of the following:

A MINDSET SHIFT to prepare for opportunity and build better habits towards success. 🤯


AN OPPORTUNITY STORY sharing inspirational pivotal moments from someone’s life that changed their trajectory in a positive way. 🚀

Let's get you introduced to our AMAZING CO-PILOT!!

Journey Payroll & HR provides a refreshing way to payroll and HR to small business through their top technology and dedicated payroll service team. With over 98% client retention YOY, Journey brings heart to the forefront of how they serve their clients, because they care.

FYI - If you’re interested in being a sponsored Co-Pilot for an upcoming FLIGHT, please SEND ME AN EMAIL

Nearly three years ago, I joined a local Mastermind group, call Junto.

My purpose for joining this group was to achieve a Mindset Shift and create opportunities to learn and grow, both professionally and personally.

To be a better…

  • Business Owner

  • Team Member

  • Thought Leader

  • Husband

  • Father

  • Friend

  • Resource

Each year, we head out of town for our annual Summit.

This year we congregated for our 3rd annual, tucked away in the white mountains of Heber, Arizona at Legacy Lodge. 🌲

Immersed for 72+ hours diving into each of our businesses, providing alternative ways of thinking and perspectives, along with a little bit of fun and comradery via golf and cornhole tournaments, Summit 2023 did not disappoint!

At last year’s Summit, I challenged myself on purpose and raised my hand to kick us off with a session all around opportunity and reflection on the PIVOTAL MOMENTS in your life to continue growth and development.

These are our life’s Opportunity Stories. Click for the full backstory HERE.

This year, I was asked again to kick off our Summit, just as I did last year, but this time I laid out the full framework of how you can achieve a “Mindset that Never Shows You a Loss”, through OPPO FLOW.

It’s important as business owners, leaders, and those striving for success to become self-aware, and put in the work to focus on your mindset in order to become Business Athletes.

Through stories and experiences, the goal was to provide value, a mindset shift, and a framework that is easily understandable, relatable, and can be developed into the lives of those in the room, along with their teams and families.

Junto AZ Summit 2023 Meeting Room

With a few new members added to the mix this year, the OPPO FLOW talk kicked us off as a reminder that we’re here to keep an open mind, define our purpose, prepare and work on our businesses, along with ourselves, be vulnerable, and recognize the good opportunities that come our way as we continue to figure out what the rest of our lives look like.

Starting with mindset work allows you to stack up more Opportunity Stories for yourself and unlock an abundance of confidence for making the jump towards your own perception of SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. 🤩

Apparently, it hit home as I received some phenomenal feedback after my session and it really helped set the tone for our Summit.

I was asked by some of the guys in the group to come speak with their teams about leveraging the OPPO FLOW Mindset to continue building strong company culture through personal development and alignment, which I am very much looking forward to and grateful for. 🙌

In order to maximize my own personal growth journey and fulfill my perception of success and happiness, my purpose is to be an inspiring thought leader for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and open-minded individuals through the OPPO FLOW Mindset in order to grow, scale, and achieve their MASSIVE TRANSFORTIVE PURPOSE.

Your MTP is a clear statement that guides, empowers, and inspires you. It helps you decide what to do, and more importantly what not to do.

Speaking and putting together small business team workshops aligns with my MTP, so I am all in!

This year, we brought in an AMAZING leader, coach, and more importantly, and incredible human being, Zanzibar Vermiglio (👈 LinkedIn).

He ran our agenda and provided incredible perspectives into how we should be looking at our businesses, our lives, and the world around us through PURPOSE.

I would encourage you to connect with Zanzibar on Instagram and Facebook as well.

Between Zanzibar, myself, and the three other internal members who provided insightful sessions, I could write an entire book on all the incredible things I learned these last couple of days, but to keep my promise of a 4-5 minute weekly read, I’ll give you the short version below. 😁

*Full Disclosure: It may be more like a 6-7 total minute read when all said an done for this one. 🙈There’s just soooo many good nuggets to share. Sorry, not sorry and you’ll thank me later. 🙌

Day 1 Takeaways

The purpose of a FINITE game is to find a winner. 🏆

The purpose of an INFINITE game is to continue to play. 💪

  • Three ways for you to WIN at business:

    1. Craft a Value Prop

    2. Develop Scalable Designs

    3. Sales Planning broken down by Acquisition Source

  • Four Stages of Entrepreneurship:

    STAGE ONE: Building a business big enough to make an impact in the marketplace and earn a living.

    STAGE TWO: Being a great Manager to determine, guide, or support others.

    STAGE THREE: Developing people into having the ability to take an intention and re-create that intention for strong results.

    STAGE FOUR: Changing the World!

  • Creation vs. Consumption

    • Creation is a state of bringing something into the world, whereas consumption is a state of absorbing it.

    • In leadership…

      CONSUMPTION MINDSET is thinking, “what can I get out of my team for my own purpose?”

      CREATION MINDSET is thinking, “how can I grow & develop my team to build a strong purpose for all?”

One of our newer members, Dustin Petty (👈 LinkedIn) is an absolute BEAST and stepped up to give us some insight on how to effectively scale a business to become an industry leader through innovation.

It all starts with finding a problem, solving that problem, and thinking outside the box to do it far more efficiently than anyone else.

Day 2 Takeaways

Phillip Crawford (👈 LinkedIn) kicked us off with the importance of being intentional with yourself and achieving focused deep work, followed by solid 15 minute morning meditation.🧘‍♂️

Meditation and Intention Setting has become a staple for my morning routine and throughout my day. Mainly because of Phil.

However, many of the members had not practiced meditation before, or do not regularly, so this was extremely impactful and helped open up minds to feel comfortable working on self care.

If you’re curious about meditation, Phil sent us all a YouTube 15 minute guided session you can try below…

Defining your Value Proposition

50% is what you produce or provide your customers. The other 50% is the customer experience.

As leaders, you must realize that value is not delivered until perceived by the customer. 👀

It doesn’t matter how great of a job you did. If the perception of the value in their eyes is not there, sales and retention will suffer. 😔

Three areas to identify in order to start developing a strong Value Prop for your business:

  1. PAIN POINTS. Find an amazing and compelling way to not be like the other guys.

  2. DO WHAT’S EXPECTED.  You must do what’s expected in the industry as a norm, and do it head and shoulders better than anyone else.

  3. DO WHAT’S UNEXPECTED. What can you do that will blow your customers away?

A good business value prop will have your customers raving and talking about you in a positive way throughout their network. This helps drive more awareness and referrals to your business.

Sentari Minor (👈 LinkedIn) is a newer member of our group as well, and my goodness are we glad to have him. 🙌

He gave us a super insightful presentation on the importance of Self Branding.

He asked us to really think about our PERSONAL VALUE PROP.

Your personal brand is your reputation. People follow people, not businesses.

Personal brand isn’t about who you are; it’s about what you can do for others. 🫶

They want to know you and what you stand for, so they’ll inevitably be looking you up online.

With self branding, you control the narrative out in the marketplace without having to rely on what other people are saying or putting out there about you.

There were countless nuggets and philosophical words of wisdom throughout the two days together, but I think the most POWERFUL came on day two when Zanzibar started talking about the possibilities of a human being with the right mindset.

“The aptitude of a human being is limited only by one thing… the nature of the purpose they fully authorize themselves to accomplish.”


Essentially, this means challenging yourself on purpose to accomplish something you previously thought was impossible, because the purpose for completing that mission outweighs all the reasons why you shouldn’t or can’t.

Limiting beliefs are what stop you.

Give yourself permission to think that the impossible is now possible, and in turn you will achieve MASSIVE IMPACT and GROWTH. 🚀

Woah… 😲

This is the MINDSET SHIFT. 🤯

There’s nothing more powerful than finding a group of growth focused, open-minded, extremely driven, and selflessly giving individuals striving to squeeze more out of life as we continue to define success for ourselves, our families, and our community.

Investing in yourself, being open minded to learn from others, being a knowledge seeker, and taking action when it aligns are the most important foundational principles you can do in order to achieve your MASSIVE TRANSFORTIVE PURPOSE.

The Men of Junto AZ 2023

As an advocate for entrepreneurship, if you are…

  • A small business owner looking to scale.

  • A self-employed individual seeking more opportunities.

  • Someone thinking about starting their first business.

  • Or simply trying to define what success looks like for you…

…feel free to reply to this email and I would be happy to schedule a 15 minute call to chat further.

Until our next FLIGHT, enjoy your Song of the Week! 👇

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Check out the SuccessFlow Podcast🎙️ Tune in and follow wherever you listen to your pods.

Quick Links for SPOTIFY or APPLE

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!