If Preparation and Action had a BABY!!


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Welcome to your FIRST Official FLIGHT!  You all packed and ready to roll? 😎 


If you're anything like me, you probably just tossed some random stuff into a backpack, and called it good. 🤪 

Orrr… maybe you just threw your whole dresser onto the conveyer belt at check in. 😆


If Preparation and Action had a Baby!


The Mindset framework I've built walks you through what it takes to prepare and recognize YOUR opportunities, take immediate action before their gone, and how to navigate through the storms when you don’t see them coming.

It's all about realizing that Opportunity is Everywhere, for Everyone.


This is the foundation of everything you do in order to achieve success and growth towards your own perception of a fulfilling life. To be truly HAPPY! 

Who's in?! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ SWEET!! Well then…

Let’s talk about where this lil' baby came from, shall we...

The Birth of the OPPO Flow Mindset!

Once upon a time, back in November of 2020, in a land far, far away… 🏰

Okay, it wasn’t that far, but I joined a new Mastermind Group that consisted of highly successful and motivated business owners, leaders, and professionals in the Phoenix area. 🌵

We meet monthly and plan an annual Summit in August each year, where the 2 ½ day agenda consists of external educators and internal sessions from some of the members in our group.

Fast forward to December 2021… We had already had one Summit under our belts and I raised my hand to take on one of the sessions for our 2nd Annual Summit in August 2022. 😱

Now, keep in mind….

At the time, I was the youngest member of the group, and owned the second youngest business. The majority of these heavy hitters are running 8 figure businesses and one had already sold their company for 9 figures… 😲

  • Was I nervous about putting something together that would be impactful? Uhh.. YEAH! 🙈

  • Did I know what I would talk about? NOPE! 😬

  • Did I challenge myself because I wanted growth and to find out what was possible? ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY💯

My current business is a franchised payroll service company, but I knew one thing was for sure… I was NOT going to bore this group to death talking about Payroll & HR for an hour! (btw, if you’re a small business, check us out here 👉 Journey Payroll)

Sooo… what the HECK was I going to talk about?! 🤷‍♂️

A few months later, IT HIT ME…


I was able to quickly identify 📌 a handful of major pivotal moments that happened in my life which lead me to where I am today. Most of them were opportunities created from other opportunities, by figuring out what I wanted in life, and through a constant yearning to prepare for the next thing. 🤓

I figured I wasn’t alone and we were all in the same room together because of the Opportunities each of us have taken action on in our lives. Reflecting on those PIVOTAL MOMENTS and LEARNING from them, is a huge reason successful people continue to be successful. 📈 

It doesn’t matter what SUCCESS means to you, everyone has their own perception of it. However, continual growth towards your success most definitely matters. Isn’t that right, SNOOP?!

So now that I had the topic defined, I immediately took a deep dive 🤿 into the science of change, how to recognize opportunities, and to not be afraid of taking immediate action.

I became a freaking SPONGE! 🧽 I spent hours researching and added many Audible books to my library…

  • Here’s a link to a FREE 30 day trial of Audible: Click Here!

  • Also to find out my Top 10 Mindset Book Recs: Click Here!

The 6 months of preparation and reflection on my own Opportunity Stories, provided me with the content, framework, and FUEL to build a session all about OPPORTUNITY. A session that THIS group would appreciate and something I would be proud of. 💪 

After it was all said and done, I had defined the foundational framework for what it takes to pursue YOUR perception of a FULFILLING and HAPPY LIFE by taking ACTION on the OPPORTUNITIES that align! 👊


I kicked off our Summit in 2022 with the OPPO Flow Mindset Talk, and after the session, I got a TON of positive feedback from the group. 🙏 

It made me realize that this framework is recognizable and can be easily digested for many to build into their daily lives! 🙌 

The last 12 months of learning, defining, creating, and incorporating the OPPO Flow Mindset even more into my life, I have experienced a complete MINDSET SHIFT that has reinvigorated so much ENERGY and MOTIVATION into everything that I do. 🤯


Here’s how I can help:

  1. If you, or someone you know, has a business, a team, or is putting together a conference, the OPPO Flow Talk is a SURE-FIRE 🔥 way to sparking ideas and reinvigorating positive energy into your organization. You can submit a request by clicking this link:👉 Book OPPO Flow

  2. I will also continue to share the framework and benefits of this Mindset as we continue on our OPPO FLOW journey within this Storybook. 🛫 I am a resource, so feel free to reply to this email (it goes directly to me!) if you have any questions, thoughts, or on the fence about any potential opportunities coming your way. Happy to chat! 😊

Until our next FLIGHT, enjoy your Song of the Week! 👇

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons below. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO Flow stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just like entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!