Focus on the Gain... 📈

...Not the Gap 😞

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Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.

Each week I send a Mindset Shift to bring alignment and develop stronger opportunity awareness towards your perception of success and happiness.

To get on next week’s FLIGHT… 🚀

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“Happiness is not something you pursue. Happiness is not somewhere in the future. Decades of scientific research is clear on this point: happiness is where you start, not where you finish.”

~ Dan Sullivan

Last week, I shared the process of creating your Ultimate Vision (👈 ICYMI FLIGHT #060)

It’s a great exercise and one that is super important so that you know where you’re going and what you’re striving for.

You’re able to ask the question…

What actions am I going to take and decisions am I going to make that align with this newfound CLEAR vision?

This will ensure a starting point for you to see progress as that becomes one of your biggest motivators throughout your life.

It’s important to remember that your ULTIMATE VISION will evolve and change over time.

Continue to reference back to it and adjust accordingly.

I recommend doing this twice a year, but no less than once per year.

This will help develop your true IDEAL STATE as you continue GROWTH. 📈

Now after you’ve defined this…

…it’s EVEN MORE important to be happy with your progress, not sad because you haven’t gotten there yet.

I am currently reading a book called, The Gap and The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

It’s a phenomenal read and there will be a MINDSET REC RUNDOWN forthcoming on this book, but I wanted to get the GAP and GAIN principles out to you ASAP.

The timing of these principles couldn’t be better, since you’ve just defined your ULTIMATE VISION last week.

It’s all about where we focus our attention and perspective.

There’s a huge difference between the GAP and the GAIN mindsets as it relates to our growth, success, and overall happiness.

Alright, let’s get this show on the road and take off… 🛫

The Gap

The GAP happens when we focus on what we don’t have or what we haven’t yet achieved. 😔

It’s like constantly looking at the empty part of your dinner plate and feeling sad because it’s not full.

When we focus on the GAP, we compare our current reality to an ideal, a person, or a perfect standard that we haven’t reached yet.

This can make us feel…

  • frustrated

  • unfulfilled

  • perpetually dissatisfied

The problem with this mindset is that it’s a never-ending cycle.

There will always be something more to strive for, so if we’re always looking at what’s missing, we’ll always feel like we’re falling short.

Reflecting on your ULTIMATE VISION… 🔭

…it’s not meant to be achievable without hard work, opportunity, and relentless effort towards developing strong disciplines.

Disciplines that will compound daily.

But it’s super important to stray away from the notion that we will only become happy once we achieve our goal.

This is why the GAP can be so detrimental.

With this perspective, we are essentially setting ourselves up for negative emotions because we haven’t succeeded.

It creates a sense of insufficiency because we are always comparing ourselves to others or to an unrealistic standard.

This comparison can drain our motivation and make us feel like our efforts are not good enough.

To avoid falling into the GAP, we need to shift our focus from what we haven’t accomplished to what we have.

The Gain

The GAIN on the other hand, is when we focus on our achievements and the progress we’ve made.

Instead of looking at what we lack, we look at what we have and how far we’ve come. 😊

This mindset is like looking at the part of your dinner plate that has food and feeling happy about what you get to eat.

When we focus on the GAIN, we acknowledge our successes and celebrate our growth.

This positive focus can make us feel…

  • more satisfied

  • motivated

  • optimistic

By regularly reflecting on our progress, we build a more positive and resilient outlook.

Focusing on the GAIN as we work towards our ULTIMATE VISION is what helps us stay motivated and encouraged, even when challenges arise.

Measuring our achievements against our past selves, not against others or an unattainable ideal, is like keeping a personal scoreboard of our victories and improvements, which boosts our confidence and happiness.

A good practice for remaining in the GAIN is daily habit of reflection.

This can be achieved every day through sharing GRATITUDE. 🙏

It’s about appreciating our own journey, being grateful for the opportunities we have, and recognizing the value in our efforts, no matter how small they may seem.

Leverage the Daily P.O.W.E.R. (👈 FLIGHT #009) for a simple way to track your wins, opportunities, and things you learned throughout your day.

When jotting down quick thoughts and gratitude at the end of the day, write down three things you’re proud of to help reinforce this positive mindset.

This habit trains your brain to look for the good in your experiences and to appreciate your own efforts.

Find the POSITIVES in all situations.

Focus on the GAIN, not the GAP.

Here’s a few examples…

Courtney is an entrepreneur with a multi million dollar revenue business.

GAP: Courtney is always thinking about the next goal, the next metric, the next milestone and while she’s successful in most people’s eyes, she isn’t taking a step back to be happy with what’s been achieved.

GAIN: Courtney celebrates her and her team’s achievements throughout the year and throws an annual party to recap last year’s accomplishments. The company is growing, everyone is happy, and the team is motivated to continue their pursuit of being recognized as a top organization in their industry.

Alex is an Olympic athlete who’s qualified to compete in 2018 and 2022.

GAP: Alex is only focused on winning a medal. Nothing else matters until he stands up on that podium to fulfill a childhood dream.

GAIN: Alex is proud to represent his country just by qualifying and competing in the Olympics. Alex realizes how difficult this is and is happy with his work ethic, his drive, and knows that he’s put forth his best effort.

Olivia is a 28 year old, single working mother raising two children.

GAP: Olivia comes homes every day stressed out, wondering if things will ever change in her life for the better, even though she’s working extremely hard.

GAIN: Olivia is grateful for the things she has, such as a place to live, a vehicle, providing food on the table, a job that supports her, and two kids who love her. She knows that today is not where she will be tomorrow, because she is focused on growth personally and professionally that is changing the trajectory of her life in an incredible way.

The point is…

Take frequent moments throughout your growth and realize all the things you've accomplished thus far.

Adjust your ULTIMATE VISION based on new perspectives, ideas, and wants.

By consciously choosing the GAIN, you’re allowing your LIFE to FLOW in a more meaningful and positive way…

…focused on the incremental growth over time…

…and leveraging action on good opportunity that aligns with who you are and where you want to go. 🚀

When you’re putting in the work, remaining on your path, and reflecting on your progress along the way, make sure you are remaining happy with where you are right here, right now.

This is the MINDSET SHIFT. 🤯


The OPPO FLOW Life Design Intro Playbook is available NOW for digital download and only $49.

Working on WHO you are, WHERE you want to go, WHY you want to get there, and HOW you’re going to do it. 🚀

This 20 page PLAYBOOK is a 5-day mission, designed to elevate your overall perception of success, achieve stronger opportunity awareness, and provide the foundational framework for making it happen.

Until our next FLIGHT, check out our latest episode of the SuccessFlow Podcast where Phil and I breakdown the Gap and the Gain perspective in more detail.

Please like, subscribe, comment, and share. 🤗

Episode 51: The Gap and The Gain

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a franchised payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.


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As always, thanks for your support. 🙏