Well... This a Scary Word! šŸ˜±


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"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change. To grow is to be willing to expose your authentic self, embracing imperfections as stepping stones towards a stronger, more resilient you."

~ BrenƩ Brown



WHY?! šŸ˜­

Thatā€™s such a scary word. šŸ˜±

First, letā€™s look at the definition to kick off this FLIGHT. āœˆļø


[ vuhl-ner-uh-bil-i-tee ]


willingness to show emotion or to allow oneā€™s weaknesses to be seen or known; willingness to risk being emotionally hurt

If thatā€™s the definition of vulnerability and youā€™re willing to show your weakness or risk being emotionally hurt, thenā€¦


Why the HECK would you do it?

No one wants to get hurt.

No one wants to show weakness.

Is there anything worse than others potentially judging you? šŸ˜±

Maybeā€¦ maybe not.

For some, itā€™s not really a big dealā€¦ theyā€™re an open book when they need to be because they know the benefits.

ā€¦but for most thereā€™s no way theyā€™re sharing anything remotely close to what could jeopardize any relationship or how they may be perceived, even if theyā€™re hurting.



Youā€™re giving someone else the ability to judge you.

Youā€™re putting yourself out there with no idea of how others will react.

Youā€™re sharing an experience or thought that has always been kept to yourself.

Ummā€¦. Why, again, is this a good thing?

Late last year, I signed up for a 6-week personal development program and we started this week with our first meeting.

Itā€™s small accountability group of strangers, where the purpose is to work together and for each of us to develop a 10 year vision towards building an Intentional Life.

I paid money to be a part of this group. šŸ’°

Itā€™s an accountability group after allā€¦

So if Iā€™m going to pay for it, Iā€™m going to hold myself accountable to the theme I gave this year, which is the YEAR OF MAMBA MENTALITY. šŸ

To double down on things that align and GO ALL IN.

To be vulnerable for growth. Because what do I have to loseā€¦

Iā€™m on a path to be the best version of myself possible, and then taking that to another levelā€¦ so not getting things out in the open and communicating well will only slow down my progression.

This is different from my Junto Mastermind, but similar in that it provides a safe space to share openly and without judgement.

Now, again, this is a group of complete strangers from all around the world. šŸŒ

Literally one person is from London and another is from Turkey.

The rest are spread all around the US.

Pretty cool!

The expectation had already been set for us walking ZOOMing in.

This was a safe place to be vulnerable and tap into what we need to in order to start developing our intention for the next 10 years.

Our successes, relationships, experiences, failures, challenges, and obstacles, are what shapes who we are today.

One of the pre-meeting exercises was to go through life events that made an impact or as I call them PIVOTAL MOMENTS or OPPORTUNITY STORIES.

Mine included some great times and some not so great times, and it was super beneficial to reflect on these again.

To see just how far Iā€™ve come since achieving my own IDENTITY SHIFT.

To reflect on how I was able to pivot and make change from the not so great ones and double down to create more opportunity stories from the really great ones.

Being vulnerable with myself to explore these events leading up to our first call, along with sharing to the group, was a really neat way to kick things off and start developing relationships with those in my cohort.

The program facilitator texted me afterwards to sayā€¦

ā€œThanks for your contributions (and willingness to be vulnerable) today. Hopefully, it will create space for others to do the same.ā€

Sooā€¦ why am I sharing all of this?

For oneā€¦ being open and vulnerable is a component of having a GROWTH MINDSET.

Itā€™s required for you to work on yourself, so you must be honest with yourself.

To wake up and realize change is needed.

If youā€™re unable to recognize your own vulnerabilities, no one else will be able to either.

And, itā€™s possible youā€™ll be heading straight down a path of where you truly donā€™t want to go.

Secondly, it's not a weakness to share your story.


In fact, youā€™ll end up showing leadership and confidence by sharing.

We all have failures, mishaps, or have done things weā€™re not proud of.

It usually takes some time for the dust to settle before you feel like sharing and thatā€™s okayā€¦ Thereā€™s no right or wrong timeā€¦

But talking sooner rather than later, youā€™ll avoid the self-ruminating of not knowing what to doā€¦ Or do something worse.

When you do share, more often than not, you end up feeling MUCH BETTER and a weight gets lifted off your shoulders.

This will open the door for people to offer resources, or tap into their networks for support, if thatā€™s what you need.

ESPECIALLYā€¦ when your story impacts others who have gone or are currently going through a similar situation.

Your story matters.

Letā€™s use the word in a sentence.

The foundation for open communication consists of honesty, trust, and vulnerability.


One of the five core areas of your life that require consistency for SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. šŸ¤©

P.S. Check out FLIGHT #025 šŸ‘‰ Positive Communication Soothes the Soul for a refresher.

Vulnerability is a huge component of communication and developing relationships.

After all, weā€™re human.


We have DOUBTS.


We have DREAMS.

Vulnerability is closely tied to AUTHENTICITY.

When you're willing to be vulnerable, you present your true self to the world. šŸŒŽ

This authenticity can be refreshing and attractive to others, as they see someone genuine and real.

This is how youā€™re able to best develop strong relationships.

Building your army for support and leverage down the road. šŸ›£ļø

People stick up for people they know, like, and trust.

People open your mind up to new perspectives, challenges, and opportunities.

Isnā€™t that what LIFE is all about?

Taking action on opportunity that presents itself.

To jump at the good opportunities that further your growth and the growth of others.

Good people or close relationships in your corner, typically present better opportunities for growth than those who are simply acquaintances or casual in natureā€¦

ā€¦and acquaintances donā€™t progress past that without building trust.

Without opening up.

Without being vulnerable.

When sharing your story, if those around you are knocking you for it or passing judgement, maybe itā€™s time to find a new crew.

Those that are closest to you will be there for you.

They may offer feedback, and it will supportive feedback.

Even if you donā€™t have a close relationship, people may still offer up support and this is how you begin to develop a close relationship.

A community. A TRIBE OF WARRIORS. šŸ’Ŗ

Facing challenges often requires acknowledging your vulnerabilities.

Being open about your struggles can lead to this support network that helps you cope with difficulties.

It also allows you to seek guidance and advice from those who may have overcome similar challenges.

Finding groups, such as a Mastermind or an Accountability Group, with the collective expectation of being vulnerable, promotes personal growth.

To become the best version of yourself.

Embracing vulnerability also means accepting that you may make mistakes.

However, these mistakes can be valuable learning experiences.

Iā€™ve always been of the mindset, ā€œWin or Learnā€.

It comes from one of my favorite quotes, this one by Nelson Mandela.

ā€œI never lose. I either win or I learn.ā€

Being open about your shortcomings can lead to constructive feedback and help you learn from your mistakes.

If youā€™re only sharing your wins and never your losses, youā€™re on your own.

Youā€™ll get celebrated for your successes, which feels really good.

But, no one is perfect and no one is expecting you to be.

Pick your spots and get comfortable with being vulnerable.

Dan Clark (šŸ‘ˆ LinkedIn) is a global speaker, and I had the greatest pleasure of hearing him speak for 90 minutes at my Junto meeting this week.

There will be a future FLIGHT about his talk in the coming weeks, but in the meantimeā€¦ Iā€™ll give you a nugget that applies hereā€¦

ā€œShow your strength by reaching out. When youā€™re going through something, look at that negative thing as an injury. An injury that with the proper rehab and effort, youā€™ll come back stronger than you were before.ā€

A component of that rehab is toā€¦



This is the MINDSET SHIFT. šŸ¤Æ

Oh and real quickā€¦ for those that were following along, I PRā€™d my half marathon on Sunday with a finish time of 2:03:08.

Not quite under the two hours I was shooting for, but now I have another BIG GOAL to accomplish, and most likely sooner rather than later. šŸ˜‰

Thank you very much to all those that came out, sent texts, and messages of support. I appreciated them all and very grateful. šŸ™

Until our next FLIGHT, check out our latest episode of the SuccessFlow Podcast.

Please like, subscribe, comment, and share. šŸ¤—

Episode 34: The Power of Opportunity

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

Mindset | Adventure | Relationships | Communication | Health

Built on the foundation of the FIVE core areas to M.A.R.C.H. forward and develop the Business Athlete lifestyleā€¦

 OFAM is Perfect for...

The new entrepreneur looking for resources and community.
The focused intrapreneur striving for growth and success.
The driven individual seeking ideas and opportunities.

OFAM is launching with an event in North Phoenix, AZ on March 4th.

Our initial monthly cohort will begin in April.

Capped at 12 Allied Members.

10 remainingā€¦




BTW, when youā€™re ready, hereā€™s a few other ways I can help you. šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø

1. Did you know I also run a payroll business in PHX?! If youā€™re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Check out the SuccessFlow PodcastšŸŽ™ļø Tune in and follow wherever you listen to your pods.


Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!