It's Your Turn! Build OPPO Flow into Your Life. 😎

Flight #006

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Let's get you introduced to our AMAZING CO-PILOT! ✈

Thanks to JOURNEY PAYROLL & HR for bringing a REFRESHING way to Payroll and HR for small business owners. Journey provides the best of both worlds. 🌎 HOW?! By bringing simple, and efficient technology with an accessible and dedicated PAYROLL TEAM, who cares about your business and supports you every step of the way!

Welcome back as we go through the final stages of the OPPO Flow Mindset.

Win or Learn. No Such Thing as Failure.  You always have the opportunity to try again with more knowledge than you had before.

"I Never Lose. I either Win or I Learn."

~ Nelson Mandela

Think about this for a second...

If you carried the MINDSET that never showed you a loss, how IMPACTFUL would you be?

What could you ACCOMPLISH knowing you couldn't lose?

Yeah... I know... losing is not fun at all and neither is failing. However, are you really failing?!

Do you think MJ or Kobe gave up on their dreams when they faced adversity?!


They went back and worked harder than anyone. Not thinking of it as a loss, but as a learning opportunity to get better.

They kept practicing. Over and over again.

Not until they got it right, but until they COULDN'T get it wrong.

Read that last line again. There is a difference.

So when that situation arose again, they were ready and prepared for massive SUCCESS!

Ever heard of the MAMBA MENTALITY?! πŸ

Kobe is HIM. The MAMBA 🐍 

The MAMBA MENTALITY means being FEARLESS, πŸ’ͺ working with intense FOCUS, πŸ‘€ and a mindset of trying to get better and be better EVERY DAY. πŸ“ˆ

This is 100% developed through FLOW STATE.  πŸ€―

When you have BIG DREAMS, as you SHOULD, it's never quick getting there. There is no such thing as overnight success.

It takes WORK.

It takes PRACTICE.

It takes PATIENCE.

All while when no one is watching. It's up to you, and only you, to make it happen.

When you go for something and it's not immediately successful or it takes longer than you were hoping, REMEMBER, you're not failing... πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈπŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

  • You're learning what didn't work.

  • You're learning through experience.

  • You're learning about yourself.

  • You're challenging yourself to be better.

  • You're keeping a positive attitude, because you have faith in your potential.

There are always bumps in the road, often times boulders and mountains πŸ—» along the way. The more you keep moving forward, now with more knowledge than you had before, the greater chance at success you'll find.

If it aligns, don't give up! Otherwise, you'll miss out on all the good stuff. 🀩

Figure out a way to get over it, around it, or through it to achieve your goals. Stay on your path and find out what's the other side. β›°

Success. Achieve Your Goals. Create Opportunity from Opportunity.

Success can mean many different things. For most people, it simply means experiencing true HAPPINESS. πŸ€©

For me, my HAPPINESS and SUCCESS means constantly challenging myself, learning, and achieving what I set out to do, while taking moments to enjoy the ride along the way.

To be a CREATOR. I find I am happiest, when I have complete freedom to CREATE.

There's never an end to Success and Happiness for me because I continue growth and take action towards my dreams. And I will continue to do so as long as I am on this planet. 🌎

Dreams should continue to evolve and grow to new heights. When one level is achieved, go to the next...

....and the next level... and the next level.... STACK THEM UP!

As humans, we are all creators, working towards our perception of Success.  

We need it. We thrive on it. Progress is required. Focused on Growth.


We do this by developing OPPO FLOW into our daily lives.

The OPPO Flow Mindset is cyclical. It is knowing that Opportunity is Everywhere. Constant preparation enables stronger recognition and immediate action on good opportunity before it is gone. When it aligns with your purpose, navigating without hesitation, creating new opportunity from opportunity, ensures life flows in a more meaningful way to achieve greater success.

There you have it... The last 6 weeks, we've flown straight into the OPPO FLOW abyss and WE MADE IT! πŸ™Œ 


  • O = Open Mind. Start Here.

  • P = Purpose. Define It.

  • P = Preparation. This is Key.

  • O = Opportunity. Opportunity is Everywhere.

  • Challenge Yourself. Be Uncomfortable on Purpose.

  • Leverage. Use Your Knowledge, Experiences, and Network to Guide You.

  • Take Action. Don't Hesitate and Make the Decision.

  • Go All In. When you Say Yes, Commit!

  • Be a Duck. Let it Roll off Your Back.

  • Win or Learn. No Such Thing as Failure.

  • Success. Achieve Your Goals and Create more Opportunity from Opportunity.

ICYMI! Here are the all the FLIGHTS going over the above: Check It!

Now... It's your turn, and up to you, to start taking action and developing this INCREDIBLE Mindset into your LIFE!

It worked for me and so I know it will for you too.

Moving forward, our Storybook FLIGHTS will be all about sharing opportunity (OPPO Flow) stories weekly with YOU. Remember, an Opportunity Story is reflecting on pivotal moments where action was taken that lead you on a path of growth towards your DREAMS!

Through these stories, I aim to inspire YOU to take action in your own life and achieve YOUR (not anyone else's) perception of a fulfilling, successful, and happy life! 🀩

My undeniable drive is that joining the OPPO FLOW Community through this Storybook and Mindset, will become a Pivotal Moment for YOU and gives you just the nudge you need to TAKE ACTION. πŸ’₯

If you like these weekly reads, please share this email with a friend. I've got some AMAZING real-life Opportunity Stories coming your way, starting with our first one next week! πŸ™Œ


  • The Drive to Playing Pro Basketball Overseas πŸ€

  • Going from Employee to Franchise Business Owner πŸ“ˆ

  • Living in the Moment and spreading Positivity through Artwork πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨

  • From Insecurity to One of the Highest Paid Network Marketers in the World. 🌎

  • From Homebrewer to Owning a Brewery 🍻


Also, feel free to follow all of my businesses and passions below πŸ‘‡

Annnnd.... check out your Song of the Week πŸ‘‡ PEACE ✌️

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!

Cheers! Steven

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO Flow stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!