- OPPO FLOW Storybook
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- To eliminate the chaos...
To eliminate the chaos...
...do as the grizzly bear does
Welcome to the Storybook
Each week, I share… ✍️
a definition 🤓
a quick story 📖
a mindset shift 🤯
an opportunity list 💡

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the condition or period of an animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state
Grizzly bears HIBERNATE to survive the harsh winter, conserve energy, and prepare for the abundance of spring.
While we don’t have to endure snowstorms in a cave like the grizzly bear, there’s merit to mimicking their approach.
By intentionally stepping back, going inward, and focusing on growth away from the spotlight.
Although I don’t think being dormant for a long period of time is beneficial…
…there are periods of life where HIBERNATION is needed.
Typically, its after long periods of stress, burnout, or losing yourself.
Often times we put in so much action, that we lose control of what’s really going on and find ourselves in chaos.
Yes to that meeting…
Yes to that event…
Yes to that person…
Yes to that job…
Yes to that opportunity
And yet… all of those yes’s don’t align.
Causing life to feel… chaotic.
HIBERNATION can help solve those problems.
Cutting things back, re-defining what alignment looks like for you, and only saying yes to the activities that help you reach your goals.
Working hard on the things that matter right now.
Being around the relationships that matter right now.
HIBERNATION is crucial when you know you need a pivot; knowing that your current state is not the right state or that you need to rediscover your purpose.
It gives you the time without distraction to figure out what you really want and who you really are.
True strength lies not in constant action but in knowing when to retreat, transform, and reemerge.
Being able to pivot.
HIBERNATION for humans isn’t about doing nothing.
It’s about discovery.
It’s about purposeful, quiet work.
It’s about reconnecting with yourself.
It’s about preparing to emerge stronger, clearer, and more aligned.
Think of it as a personal winter…
…making time for reflection and planting the seeds for what’s next.
When spring arrives, like the grizzly, you’ll come out transformed, and vibrant.
A person ready to embrace the opportunities ahead.
Only this time in alignment and with a renewed focus.
Your world doesn’t need more busy…
…it needs more intentional.
Away from the distractions, opinions, or negativity.
Putting in the work on yourself…
…to build something incredible.
To eliminate the chaos…
…do as the grizzly bear does and…
Then, when you reemerge…
…you’ll shock the world!
a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week
DID YOU KNOW? Grizzlies experience three distinct phases in a year. Normal activity in the spring and summer; autumn hyperphagia, when bears pack on the pounds to prepare for winter; and hibernation. Hibernation can last anywhere from 4-7 months, triggered by seasonal food shortages, cold temperatures and snow cover.
Your challenge this week:
What would hibernation look like for you? Where can you carve out time to pause, reflect, and rebuild for your next season of growth?
As always, please reply to this email with your thoughts, questions, future topics you want to learn more about, or if I can be a resource for you in any way.
Opportunity is Everywhere!
Cheers, Steven
Watch Episode #80 of the SuccessFlow Podcast
On this episode, we discuss the concept of leveraging the Winter Arc. The term "winter arc" is likely derived from manga "arcs," with fitness enthusiasts highlighting the winter as a time for change and self-improvement and a time to make moves in silence, before bearing the fruits of their hard work the following summer.