So I Did a Thing... 🏃‍♂️


Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.

Each week I fly an entertaining and motivating story that provides actionable items to inspire growth towards your success and happiness.

The weekly flights bring you one of the following:

A MINDSET SHIFT to prepare for opportunity and build better habits towards success. 🤩


AN OPPORTUNITY STORY sharing pivotal moments from an individual’s life that changed their trajectory in a positive way. 🚀

Let's get you introduced to our AMAZING CO-PILOT!!

Journey Payroll & HR is expanding NATIONWIDE through local Ownership. If you know a strong business professional living outside of AZ, who would be interested learning more about controlling their own destiny with an AMAZING TEAM and becoming an entrepreneur working closely with the small business community, please reply to this email.

FYI - If you’re interested in being a sponsored Co-Pilot for an upcoming FLIGHT, please SEND ME AN EMAIL

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

~ Steve Prefontaine

Sooo…. I did a thing. 🤔

Yesterday, I signed up for a HALF MARATHON. 😱

Yep, that’s right… 13.1 MILES! 🏃‍♂️


This will be my FIFTH one.

The last one I completed was SEVEN YEARS AGO.

My goal on that last one was to finish running in under 2 hours, but I fell short of that goal, crossing the finish line at 2 hours, 8 minutes.

That DAMN hill at Mile 9. 🙄

It’s time to give it a shot again and this time…

To PR (Personal Record) running under 2 hours.

That’s the equivalent of a 9 minute, 10 second mile. Fast for me!

It can be done. It will be done. I’ve mentally committed to it.

Now it’s time to PREPARE for the OPPORTUNITY.

Come January 14th, 2024 (just before my 38th birthday) you can find me in Tempe, Arizona running the Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon. 🌵🏃‍♂️

You may be asking yourself, “Why on EARTH would you pay $150 bucks to run over 13 miles?!”

Valid Question…

To Inspire Millions with a Mindset Shift towards their Own Success.

  • I miss the adrenaline rush of that race day and the accomplishment of crossing that finish line. There’s really nothing like it. 🏅

  • It aligns with my mission to get in the best shape of my life. 💪

    • I’ve set a 12 month Challenge from August to August of this year to have over 200 workouts, roughly 17/month. I want to CRUSH that goal.

  • To Continue Pushing the Limits of my Capabilities. 👊

  • Also, this one will have a bit more meaning behind it. There’s a story and a reason why I haven’t ran in recent years… Continue reading below 👇

2021 was a tough year for me, health wise.

In early January, I had a strong pain in my chest when breathing in deeply.

I went to urgent care to get an X-Ray and sure enough I was diagnosed with pneumonia, prescribed with some antibiotics, and instructed to rest up.


I went to my PCP for the follow up and still wasn’t 100% with my breathing. 😟

Pneumonia was gone, but this was something else. 🤔

The doc ordered blood work for further testing, and sure enough I was diagnosed with Valley Fever.


I thought Valley Fever was only found in dogs. 🐶🐶 

Honestly, I had no idea…

…and after living in AZ most of my life where this is common, it was odd to have symptoms.

Most people living in the desert of the Southwest, have come across Valley Fever without even knowing it. 🤷‍♂️

It’s fungal infection that gets into your lungs by breathing in a spore from the dirt.

It’s often misdiagnosed as pneumonia or flu, and causes trouble with your breathing, along with exhaustion, and bouts of faintness.

After a 90 day anti-fungal treatment, I was clear of this infection, but was informed that it could come back any time and monthly lab work would be required for a full 12 months to monitor. 🩸

I now carry a battle scar in the form of a DIME SIZED nodule in my right lung where a cavity was formed. 😲

No wonder I couldn’t breathe at 100% and felt exhausted ALL.THE.TIME.

So here I am, now in July 2021 after having just been told the little fungal BASTARD is dormant and I catch the Delta variation of Covid. 😷


Everyone had their own experience with covid and some not as fortunate as me, but it was a brutal 11 days for me.

Shallow breath, high fever the entire time, and requiring steroid inhaler to get through.

Nothing like hitting the TRI-FECTA of respiratory illnesses in 2021.

  • Bacterial

  • Fungal

  • Viral


Never thought I would have a Pulmonologist on speed dial… 😵‍💫

I felt sorry for myself and didn’t take care of myself. I was tired. I was unhealthy.

I really didn’t know when it would end, having to do monthly labs and bloodwork, while constantly thinking if I would ever feel athletic again.

Needless to say… ANY type of Cardio just wasn’t going to happen.

BUT NOW… with my lungs back and feeling strong again, 🫁 it’s time to dominate this race in January and complete what I set out to do in the first place.


The reason I am sharing all of this with you, is because I want to set the foundation for how important this 5th Half Marathon in January will be for me.

The catalyst for wanting to run this race again is because of the life choices I’ve made this year by implementing an overhaul of positive and healthy habits.

The mindset work, strength training, and re-defining of my purpose are all the catalyst for signing up this year.

Want to join me and run the Rock n Roll in AZ??? 👍

They have multiple distances and it’s a lot fun with the live bands throughout the run. 👉 SIGN UP!

If not, I get it!

But, we’re in the final stretch of the year.

Think about how you will finish it strong and set the tone for next year.

Think about what you can do now to…





What are you willing to commit to doing for yourself today, that will shift the trajectory of your life in a positive way going forward?

You never know what OPPORTUNITIES will come your way, by taking ACTION on something you haven’t done before or haven’t done in a while.

Think about something that takes you out of your comfort zone… something that is a hard for you to do… and something that you can be proud of.

Here are some ideas:

Read More Books: Read a certain number of books. If you’re into Mindset Books, click here for some of my TOP MINDSET BOOKS.

Volunteer and Give Back: Volunteer a certain number of hours to a cause you care about. This is perfect timing to help those in need as we head into the Holidays.

P.S. If you need an idea and are local to PHX, feel free to join us on November 11th at 9am to help support our friends at Capstone Realty Professionals and Homeless Engagement Lift Partnership fill healthy 25,000 snack bags for our homeless children in need. My company Journey Payroll is a PROUD SPONSOR again this year, so come on out to support.

Set Financial Goals: Save a certain amount of money, invest, or create a budget.

Practice Mindfulness: Meditate, practice yoga, or adopt a daily mindfulness/breathwork routine to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

Career Advancement: Set professional goals like earning a certification, getting a promotion, or starting a side business.

Book your Next Adventure: (👈 FLIGHT #016) Explore new places, cultures, and cuisines, whether it's within your city or traveling internationally.

Healthy Lifestyle: Plan a diet, start a workout regime, or develop a solid Morning Routine. (👈 FLIGHT #014)

Self-Reflection and Journaling: Engage in self-reflection and journaling to better understand yourself, remain in alignment, and define your goals.

P.S. Try some of these Playbooks to stay organized.

Pick up your Physical Activity: Sign up for a 5k, join a gym, or commit to morning walks outside to remain active.

Invest More Time into your Family: Plan monthly date night with your significant other, or better yet, weekly if you can swing it. If you have children, make 1 on 1 time a priority with each of your kids. Go to lunch once a month with your Mom. Grab coffee once a month with your Dad.

Whatever you chose to commit to, remember to create a supportive and encouraging community around these challenges.

Share your progress, setbacks, and successes with others, and celebrate achievements together.

The key is to make the challenge fun, rewarding, and conducive to personal growth.

I will share weekly progress during my half marathon training to hold myself accountable. 💪 

What will you Challenge Yourself to Do?

Until our next FLIGHT, enjoy your YOUTUBE Video of the Week! 👇

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Check out the SuccessFlow Podcast🎙️ Tune in and follow wherever you listen to your pods.


Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!