Tapping into this...

...almost feels illegal

Welcome to the Storybook

Each week, I share… ✍️

  • a definition 🤓

  • a quick story 📖

  • a mindset shift 🤯

  • an opportunity list 💡

…to keep you going, personally and professionally. 🚀

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a positive mental state where someone is fully immersed in an activity, and time seems to pass without notice

Too much to do, too little time.

How can it all possibly get done?

At its peak, it seems projects continue to pile up and are never-ending.

Self-inflicted? Sure.

…But what’s the point of standing still?

If you’re not growing, you’re dying.

Still doesn’t change the fact that there’s so much to accomplish.

Too many people to help.

A legacy to build.

A family to love.

I want it all.

And you should too.

Whatever “all” means to you.

My “all” is different than yours and yours is different than the next person.

We each have our own versions of what “all” looks like.

No matter what that is for you; it’s there for the taking.

We need purpose.

We need dreams.

We need motivation…

…and implementation.

But it always sounds like a lot and not enough time to do it.

So how can it all be achieved?

  • Patience, yes.

  • Direction, yes.

  • Resilience, yes.

  • Work ethic, yes.

Yes, all are required to achieve success.

Cut down your stress, the time to completion, and worries about the future by tapping into…


Neurochemicals working together to create the optimal conditions for flow:

  • high focus

  • creativity

  • pleasure

  • sense of effortlessness

Their release is triggered by the right balance of challenge, skill, and engagement in the task.

It’s the feeling you get when…

…skiing down a mountain…

…or driving long distance…

…or playing a sport.

It’s being “in the zone”.

It becomes a game.

A cheat code.

Gamifying your work towards your dreams.


Next time you’re working on a project that aligns with your dreams…

…here are five ways to prepare yourself for getting into a solid FLOW STATE.

  • Block calendar for an appropriate amount of time. (at least 30 minutes)

  • Set clear goals and breakdown tasks. (must be intrinsically motivating; not too hard, not too easy)

  • Silence all distractions. (TV, emails, texts, calls, social media, etc.)

  • Start the work. (sometimes the hardest part; start with something small to warm up your mental state)

  • Get comfy. (nice chair, perfect temp, hydration, body feels good)

FLOW STATE increases your efficiency, positive mental state, and overall well-being.

You’re working smarter, not harder.

You feel unstoppable and begin to believe in your capabilities with each new level achieved.

The work you put in towards your dreams feels effortless.

Time dilates and you feel weightless.

Zero noise. All focus.

You become supernatural.

FLOW STATE is necessary for peak performance.

Work at this level brings real progress for the next level.

The progress is motivating.

The motivation feels like a drug.

It’s addicting, so you keep going without hesitation.

When you’re done… you don’t even know what happened.

Almost like you blacked out and just came to.

It was a blur, but the project is complete.

How did you accomplish so much, in so little time?

Tapping into FLOW STATE…

…almost feels illegal.


a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week

  1. Most of what I’ve learned about FLOW STATE came from an incredible man that goes by the name of 👉 Phil Crawford. He’s an expert and I highly encourage you to connect with him.

  2. Follow me on 👉 Instagram for short and value-driven content.

  3. Music has a huge effect on your mental state. 👉 Check this out for a deeper dive on this subject. 🤿

Opportunity is Everywhere.

Cheers, Steven

Watch Episode #64 from the SuccessFlow Podcast.