The Power of One More šŸ’Ŗ A Mindset Rec Rundown!


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Exploring Greatness is about diving deeper into the 7 pillars of greatness to help you perform at your very best. Each week you receive an inspiring quote, 2 lessons of greatness to apply to your life, and 3 educational tools aimed at improving your mind, body and spirit.

I HIGHLY suggest checking out The Edge of Greatness Newsletter by Charles Schultz.

ā€œYou were NOT born to be average and ordinary. You were born to be GREAT!ā€

~ Ed Mylett

I had the amazing privilege of witnessing Ed Mylett speak in person while attending a Conference in Phoenix, AZ. šŸŒµ

I really didnā€™t know too much about him going into it, other than knowing he would be one of the speakers, and that Iā€™d be in for a treat. šŸ­

Ummmā€¦.. šŸ˜±

Live look of me 5 minutes into the talk..


His stories about life, death, kids, family, business, happiness, and struggles. The entire 90 minute talk pulled on ALL of the heart strings. šŸ’•

I literally cried at one point. šŸ˜¢

I laughed at another. šŸ¤£

I was engaged the ENTIRE TIME and ATE. IT. UP! šŸæ

If you get the chance to see him speak, DO IT!

The next day, I immediately downloaded his book ā€œThe Power of One Moreā€ from Audible and knocked it out over the following 72 hours. šŸŽ§

By the way, hereā€™s the hookup for a FREE 30 Day Trial of Audible on my website, which also gives you FREE credits for any book youā€™d like:

Click Here šŸ‘‰

One of the first things that resonated is he says, ā€œWinning is more fun, than fun is fun.ā€ 

Meaning, having fun is a good time, but when youā€™re winning too??!!


Soā€¦ the question now becomes how do you WIN MORE?! šŸ¤”

The Power of One More mentality, is all about taking the extra step. Going the extra mile. A mindset shift for attacking bad habits and turning them into good habits.

During his talk and in the book he gave a great example of how his dad, who was an alcoholic, was finally able to get soberā€¦

He said, his dad told himself every morning he wouldnā€™t have a drink for one more day. And then said it EVERY DAY for the remainder of his life.

It was a great reminder, that what seems like an impossible change, especially with addiction, can be done when you break it down into small daily changes in your habits and not look at the major obstacle in your way.

This eventually becomes your IDENTITY. 

In Edā€™s dadā€™s case he no longer identified as an alcoholic and became a sober man. šŸ‘

We all have it in us to do just a little bit more and think a little differently about how to attack our habits.

Each time YOU add some extra umph, you grow a bit further. This allows YOU to develop a GROWTH MINDSET. 

When you start to see the results from YOUR hard workā€¦.


Ed says, ā€œSelf confidence is a form of self trust. The opposite is self sabotage, which triggers discourage and doubt. Pay attention to a self sabotaging thought. Visualize yourself scratching and clawing at that thought. Keep doing this until itā€™s gone and you canā€™t think about it againā€

He also talks about your Reticular Activator System (RAS).

Your RAS is the filter that reveals whatā€™s most important to you in your life at that time and filters out the things that are not.

For exampleā€¦ you and your family decided to get a new puppy. šŸ¶ And now everywhere you go, you notice people walking or playing with their dogsā€¦

ā€¦Or maybe you start a new business that focuses on servicing the local small business community. (kind of like Journey Payroll šŸ˜‰) As you drive around, the only places you notice are the local coffee shops and restaurants.

You breeze right over the Starbucks and Chiliā€™s because youā€™re focused on supporting local.

Thatā€™s your RAS workingā€¦

Ed says, ā€œWhen you repeatedly visualize and obsessively think about something, you tell your RAS to pay attention to that thought and thatā€™s when the world slows down. If you can direct your RAS to focus better on the things that matter in your life, then your life begins to change. This repeatedly creates opportunities and outcomes that will fast forward your life in countless ways.ā€

Tap into this and focus on filtering in the good and out the bad.

ONE MORE TRY. Importance of Compounding. ā€œCompounding takes place when you attempt one more try, time and time again. When youā€™re successful in implementing a One More Try mentality, youā€™ll create and compound more WINS for yourself. Each of those WINS create incremental advancement towards your goals. STACK THOSE WINS on top of each other to produce significant long term changes in your life.ā€

EQUANIMITY. The most successful people and highest achievers are able to find this, when others struggle to. ā€œItā€™s the invisible separator between the super elite performers and those who are average and ordinary.ā€ Donā€™t be average and ordinary. You are SO MUCH better than that and can achieve so much more.

By definition, equanimity means having mental calmness, maintaining composure, and even-tempered, especially in a difficult situation.

Soā€¦. basically, BE A DUCK! šŸ¦†šŸ˜‰

Thereā€™s so much more to the book hat you could implement. Heā€™s also got a ton of great stuff on his podcast, social media, and many other things you can check out here:

The principles he outlines in the book sound so easy while youā€™re reading it, but you must develop the mindset shift to actually start doing it.

Start with taking a deep look and recognizing where youā€™re at. šŸ§ 

Then begin tomorrow with small changes. Whatever you do, do one more of it.

  • One more sales call. šŸ“±

  • One more rep at the gym. šŸ‹ļøā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‹ļøā€ā™€ļø

  • One more I LOVE YOU before going to bed. šŸ„°

Itā€™s okay if you forget or donā€™t act the way you want at first.

Change is a good thing, but I know it is also hard.

Just keep working towards your change.

Working your way up to building your life of happiness and success is a slow grind.

Continue to challenge yourself on purpose and develop good daily habits to see what comes out on the other side.

The idea of the Power of One More is that even small incremental improvements can have a major impact over time, even when those efforts donā€™t feel like much.

Those little improvements over time are what drives you to achieve MAJOR SUCCESS. šŸ¤©

ā€œMOTIVATION and INSPIRATION are great, but itā€™s your HABITS and RITUALS that get your through those days, when youā€™re not so motivated.ā€ - Ed Mylett

Soon enoughā€¦ you will see the change for the good and this just becomes who you are!


READ IT!! šŸ“š Youā€™ll THANK ME later. šŸ˜

I donā€™t work for Ed Mylett or get paid to promote him, but I like to talk about the things and people I learn about with my friends. And YOU are my friend. šŸ˜

Thatā€™s what this Storybook is all about. Holding myself accountable to continue learning, take action, and share my findings and musings with my friends to do the same. I like having friends; they make me happy! šŸ˜Š

If you have been enjoying these reads so far, I would love your continued support in sharing this email with one of your friends and asking them to join the OPPO FLOW Community, by subscribing this Storybook.šŸ™

You now know and soon they will know, I donā€™t spam email and itā€™s free! šŸ™Œ

This week, weā€™re changing up your Inflight Entertainment from our normal song of the week, to an Ed Mylett clip that I love. In the video, he talks more in depth about many more principles from his book and life. Itā€™s about 10 minutes, so if you have to come back to it, please do! šŸ‘‡

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

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