No matter what...

...always lead with this

Welcome to the Storybook

Each week, I share… ✍️

  • a definition 🤓

  • a quick story 📖

  • a mindset shift 🤯

  • an opportunity list 💡

…to keep you going, personally and professionally. 🚀

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HONOR - noun

high respect; great esteem

The last seven days brought some insane highs and some unexpected lows.

Entrepreneurship is wild and it takes a lot of resilience to power through.

This week, I ran into an isolated client situation where someone was not who they said they were.

There was quite a bit of scrambling, stresses, and concerns that consumed my mind in the last week.

HONOR is reserved for those who are striving for growth, grounded by humility, and lead by example.

Those who act admirably and with integrity.

And, unfortunately this particular person did not act HONORABLY.

However, I will not blame them.

It’s how they chose to live their life and do business, which will catch up to them somewhere down the road.

I look at every aspect as a learning opportunity, and while not happy with what transpired, I am thankful.

We will power through with resilience, leverage resources, and rise to become even stronger because of it…

…and we’ll do it with HONOR.

As all of that was going on, I was immersed for 48 hours at an annual Summit with my Junto brotherhood.

This is a group of entrepreneurs and trained assassins (not in the literal sense!), bound by HONOR, who work together and learn from each other striving to make a dent in this world personally, professionally, and within our community.

This was our fourth Summit and it continues to level us up year over year.

It was an incredible two days filled with vulnerabilities, candor, and tenacity.

The theme for this year…


To grow exponentially with respect and humility in all situations.

To be what we say we’re going to be and do what we say we’re going to do.

Because we live a life with HONOR.

Just before our Summit, I hosted and facilitated another successful JUMP Workshop Event.

This brought a whole new group of people together to work on themselves and become better versions of themselves.

An opportunity to elevate their perception of success to build the life they want.

We spent three hours together, putting pen to paper, working through the OPPO FLOW Intro Playbook.

I guided them with a mindset shift for developing stronger opportunity awareness and creating alignment so life flows in a more meaningful and positive way.

We shared stories, ideas, experiences, and philosophies to move forward with intention, clarity, and opportunity.

We talked through overcoming obstacles, setbacks, and failures both self-inflicted and the ones that are out of our control.

All for the purpose of achieving happiness with HONOR.


Whatever happens to you, for you, or because of you…

…handle each situation with HONOR.

Take pride, ownership, and responsibility for your actions.

This will you set you apart from most, and you’ll become a true leader of your industry and community.

People will give you their trust, because they know you won’t let them down, and are accountable for your word.

When things go wrong…

…act with composure and find a resolution forward.

When things go right…

…eliminate boasting and proceed with humility and drive.

No matter what…

…always lead with HONOR.

And you’ll become someone worth following.


a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week

  1. Watch 👉 How to Build Willpower. Dr. Andrew Huberman and David Goggins discuss the neuroscience behind pushing through challenging situations and how doing things you don’t want to do, strengthens the brain and supports longevity in life.

  2. Write down your childhood dream and find some time in the next 7 days to do something that relates to that.

  3. Wake up early on Saturday and Sunday. Sit in the quiet morning and visualize what you want your life to look like a year from now. Then take some steps towards making that a reality.

Opportunity is Everywhere.

Cheers, Steven

Watch Episode #65 from the SuccessFlow Podcast.