A Mother's Day Tribute! šŸ’


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ā€œJust one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.ā€

~ Unknown

Oh manā€¦ This is a special post for me, because of the impact this person has had on my life.

From day one, I have always had someone in my cornerā€¦

Someone that always has my back no matter whatā€¦

Someone who has taught me so much about how to be a good human beingā€¦.

The right way to being a good manā€¦

She is the most caring, loving, and giving person I have ever known.

Let me show where you where it all beganā€¦ 37 years ago!

Yep! Thatā€™s meā€¦ šŸ‘¶

Bathing in a FREAKING bucket! šŸ¤£

But look at that BEAUTIFUL woman behind me!! šŸ¦‹


As I look back and think about all the WONDERFUL and SELF-LESS things she has done and continues to do for me and my family, I canā€™t help, but get all gushy inside. šŸ˜

Weā€™ve travelledā€¦

Weā€™ve talked lifeā€¦

Sheā€™s instilled confidence from the day I was born that I could do anythingā€¦

Sheā€™s always right there for us and same goes for anyone else in her family. Her husband (my dad!), daughters, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews.

The list goes onā€¦

We are all very LUCKY, truly BLESSED, and unconditionally LOVED by this bright light of a woman. Anyone who knows her feels the same way!

Without further ado, in honor of Motherā€™s Day this weekendā€¦ šŸ’

Introducing theā€¦

EUCHRE-LEGEND ā™ ļøā™„ļøā™¦ļøā™£ļø




She was born and raised in Michigan as the 5th of 6 kids. (Nick, Steve, Sue, Billy, Karen, and Patty). 3 boys and 3 girls.

Whewā€¦ thass a lotta craziness in one house! šŸ¤Ŗ

Holy moly! šŸ˜±

They were a tight knit family, though, with parents (G-Ma and Grandpaā€¦ RIPšŸ™) that taught them to work hard and be responsible adults.

As a kid, she lacked self confidence and was very shyā€¦ As many of us are! The world is a wild and scary placeā€¦

Her mother (G-Ma!) was very influential in shaping her self esteem as she became an adult.

G-Ma and my mom LOVED to travel together.

In fact, during my momā€™s high school years, there was a Summer where her and G-Ma lived in the Bahamas togetherā€¦ šŸļø

How FREAKING cool is that?!?! #YOLO

They were always very close and talked about life, purpose, and just had so much fun being with each other. One thing she always remembers about her mom isā€¦

ā€œShe was always telling me she could do anything I put my mind to.ā€

MINDSET. Itā€™s everything.  

Having the courage to make changes in your life and try new things is the only way to learn and grow towards your dreamsā€¦

When she was 18 years old, she packed up and moved from Michigan šŸ„¶ all the way to the other side of the country to sunny California ā˜€ļø for new adventure!

Bye Bye Cold Weather!

She snagged her first job at Computer Sciences Corp, and thatā€™s where she met her now husband (my dad!). Awwwwā€¦ šŸ˜ 

They fell in love (but if you ask her, not at first hahah), they married, started a family, and decided to move to Arizona as her mom, brothers, and sisters started to migrate there.

After a few years in Arizona, she was an integral part of building a successful Software business with her husband (my Dad!), in the mid-90s up until itā€™s sale in 2010.

Before we go ANY furtherā€¦ I have to show you this gem from their early days of marketing for their Software business, MasterTaxā€¦

This is like Circa 1997ā€¦. Those are my FREAKING PARENTS! šŸ˜‚

After they sold the business in 2010, they got into the real estate market and purchased 14 rental properties.

This was a smart move, as investing in real estate is a great way to ensure cash flow and continue building wealth after an exit like they had with MasterTax.

They hired a property manager and held on to those rentals for about 10 yearsā€¦.

Karen had a passion for remodels and this is where she said her roots helped further her success with that pivot into a new industry.

ā€œI too, like my mother had an eye for color and design. So when our tenants moved out I decided to go with my passion and remodel and create beautiful homes for resale.ā€

She took the lead on all the projects as they started flipping the homes.

This turned into a full fledged business for them, called Models by Design.

She did very well and loved it while the market was hot. This was a really special time for her as she was able to follow through on her passion and skills with interior design.

ā€¦ And DAMN! She was quite GOOD! šŸ¤©

Check it out!! šŸ‘‡

In total they flipped 7 homes over the course of 18 months from 2021-2023.

One of the things she says, thoughā€¦.

ā€œI have to say my missed opportunity was when we sold several of the rental properties in the beginning without upgrading them. I could have been successful a lot sooner if I went with my gut to remodel.ā€

Alright MOM, hit me with itā€¦ šŸ‘Š

ā€œSuccess to me is the feeling you have when you've found your happiness with achieving the things you've always wanted to do while raising your family. It's not about wealth, it's about your peace of mind.ā€

Practice patience and work hard. Donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself.

Everything in life happens for a reason and flows organically when you continue down your own path.

Be there for your loved ones. Give without expecting anything in return.

Recognize and appreciate THEIR successes along the way. Be their ROCK šŸŖØ and someone will become YOURS.

Enjoy the ride. Give more than you take. Be a Good Human Being.


Have fun in what you are doing! Don't sweat the small stuff...It's self gratification when you know you've made someone happy!

~ Karen Harris

Happy Motherā€™s Day MOM! You deserve nothing but the BEST in LIFE.

Thanks for being YOU and I love you very much. šŸ’“

Andā€¦ Cheers to ALLLL the other beautiful and caring MAMAS out there! Know that you are loved and appreciated with everything you do for your families, not only this Sunday, but EVERY-DAMN-DAY!

Until our next FLIGHT, enjoy your Song of the Week recommended by my AMAZING and WONDERFUL MOTHER. šŸ‘‡

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere, for Everyone!!

Cheers! Steven

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