Mindset Rec Rundown: Relentless


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“You can’t rely on others to jump up and make your dreams happen.”

~ Tim S. Grover

Hi Friends!

I’ve set a goal to read at least one book per month. 📚

The books I like to read are non-fiction mindset books.

I find so much value in reading (or listening, I’m an Audible guy) to another person’s point of view.

What they are doing and how they are attacking the world as they see it.

To learn from those who actually took the time to write a book about their experiences, findings, and expertise.

To open my mind up to new perspectives and ideas.

This is where I learn about what’s possible and leverage the knowledge to shape my own perspectives.

As I learn from these books, every now and then, I’ll schedule a FLIGHT ✈️ to give you a MINDSET REC RUNDOWN.

In December, my SuccessFlow Podcast co-host Phil Crawford challenged me to read…

Relentless, by Tim S. Grover

You can find it here listed in my Top Mindset Book Recs page.

I had already read this one, but had been over five years since the first time I read it and as we were approaching the new year, it was perfect timing to pick it up again.

This is one of those books you can re-read annually and GET FIRED UP! 🔥

Let’s break it down…

Tim Grover was the trainer for Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, and many more of the NBA’s most spectacular Hall of Fame basketball players. 🏀

These guys worked with him to be the BEST and to remain the BEST, because Grover himself, was the GOAT. 🐐

There was no one else that could get these elite performers ready to play mentally and physically, day in and day out.

They came to him because they knew he would hold them accountable to become RELENTLESS in their pursuit of GREATNESS. 🙌

However, if you didn’t want to put in the work, then… “See ya!”

Grover didn’t care, if they didn’t care.

They had to possess an unstoppable work ethic, unrelenting desire for success, and an ability to perform under pressure.

Their mentality must go beyond skill and talent alone; it's about their mindset, discipline, and commitment to excellence.

The book shares stories and portrays the mindset these guys had to have in order to achieve PEAK PERFORMANCE and reach the PINNACLE of their profession.

Relentless is a motivational and insightful book that delves into the mindset of high-performing individuals, particularly elite athletes, on how they became UNSTOPPABLE. 💪

As a basketball player growing up I LOVE this read, but you don’t need to be a sports nut to enjoy it.

Grover does a masterful job of correlating his experiences in sports to the Business Athlete that we’re all striving to be and maintain.

He outlines three mentality types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:




Let’s take a closer look at each one…



This mentality describes someone who is a team player.

Someone who can come in and get the job done effectively without needing the spotlight.

They are reliable and consistent, following instructions well and sticks to the game plan.

The only potential limitations of a COOLER…

…They may lack ambition or burning desire to achieve excellence.

Which means they most likely will not be counted on to take over the game and put themselves out the with all their will to win.

Winning is not everything for them, but they are required on every team in order to achieve overall success.



This mentality describes someone who is extremely results driven.

Unlike the cooler, a CLOSER is highly focused on WINNING. 🥇

They are not happy just participating, and have a deep desire to come out on top with a strong competitive edge.

A CLOSER handles pressure well and performs at an elite level in high stakes situations.

Their strong need for control and desire to win may make it challenging for them to delegate tasks well.

They might feel the urge to take on too much themselves, potentially hindering overall efficiency.

They become so intensely focused on the goal or task at hand, that they experience tunnel vision and miss out on opportunities that fall outside of their main objectives.

A CLOSER can be called on to take the last shot and is certainly reliable.

They need the plan drawn up, and they will execute it perfectly.

They are the STAR OF THE SHOW. 🤩

However, they may possess an over emphasis on self vs. teamwork.

Their strong desire on individual success could lead to challenges with collaboration or trouble with trusting others to get the job done right.

A CLOSER is absolutely an asset to any team with their overall strategic approach to outperform and outwit the competition.



They are built different.

A level above the rest.

They are relentless in their pursuit of success, possessing an unwavering work ethic, resilience in the face of challenges, and an ability to deliver exceptional performance under pressure.

They are CLEANERS, because they are called in to CLEAN UP THE MESS 🧹 and move on.

No questions asked.

Get the job done.

They are always prepared for any situation thrown at them. 👊

They do not waver in the face of adversity.

They lead by example…

…inspiring others through their dedication, commitment, and ability to deliver in crucial moments.

A CLEANER does not stoop to the level of their competition and instead focuses on what they’re doing to bring the competition up to them; if they can handle it.

They will outwork anybody…

…and they will outperform everybody. 😤

They are adaptable to change and always work with an OPEN MIND to find new ways to succeed.

Whatever it takes.

They have a unique ability to get in the zone quicker than anybody.

The ability to flip the switch and transform into an UNSTOPPABLE BEAST when needed.

You can see it when they turn it on.


When they win, everyone wins…

…then they get back to work to PREPARE for what’s next.

However, a CLEANER can also have a dark side.

They often live and work in solitude as they dedicate their entire life to perfecting their craft.

They put in the work to prepare behind closed doors.

This is not for everyone.

CLEANERS are a rare breed.

They’re okay with this sacrifice because it will raise the bar for everyone else around them.

Nothing else matters and nothing will get in their way.

With a GROWTH MINDSET and never settling for mediocrity, a CLEANER will do whatever it takes to consistently improve, learn, and grow.

Their ability to evolve and adjust to ever changing conditions and remain at the top of their game takes a massive amount of discipline and awareness.


You need to decide which you identify with the most, adapt, and continue growth to become the best version of yourself.

If you’re an ENTREPRENEUR, you need all three types of people on your team.

If you’re an INTRAPRENEUR, be the person that inspires others on your team.

Your overall SUCCESS requires you to embody the qualities of all three types at various points in your career.

It takes HARD WORK. 

“Crave the result so intensely, that the work is irrelevant.”

~ Tim S. Grover

Again, this was a fantastic read and one I plan on re-reading every year.

I highly encourage you to pick it up as well and learn from Grover’s perspectives.

Until our next FLIGHT, check out our latest episode of the SuccessFlow Podcast.

If you click the thumbnail below, please subscribe, comment, and share. It helps us a ton!

Episode 35: A Recap of our Time with Dan Clark

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Check out the SuccessFlow Podcast🎙️ Tune in and follow wherever you listen to your pods.


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