- OPPO FLOW Storybook
- Posts
- Maybe, just maybe...
Maybe, just maybe...
...one of these will stick
Welcome to the Storybook
Each week, I share… ✍️
a definition 🤓
a quick story 📖
a mindset shift 🤯
an opportunity list 💡

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IDEA noun
a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action
I have LOTS of IDEAS.
Like an insane amount of spaghetti thrown at the wall to see what sticks.
Most of them aren’t super great and they slip right down the wall.
Let me give you an example…
In my 20s, I was really into running and signing up for various races.
After running a few, I thought it would be cool to start a 5k race company of my own, but it would be themed.
I even considered getting a domain name for it: MoTails5k.com
If the domain is available, then I tend to let the IDEA flow as now it’s possible, from a visual standpoint of course.
After all, without a vision, you don’t know where you’re going.
Oh and you may be wondering, MoTails?
What is that?
Well.. it was going to be a 5k race where everyone had to run with either a mohawk or pigtails.
Hey… easy!
I admitted they’re not all great IDEAS.
My dad once told me, “Not all IDEAS are good IDEAS, but if you never have any IDEAS, then you’ll never have a good one.”
Dreamers, dream my friends.
My whole purpose in life is to be a resource, bring value, take care of my family, and do cool shit.
I realized that opportunity is everywhere, which also means IDEAS are everywhere.
Am I going to act on them all?
But, I have a lot of fun dreaming them up.
And if it gets to the point where I think I might be on to something…
I bring it my wife as she’s my filter.
It usually starts by her rolling her eyes, saying “here we go again” and ends with “maybe… take a pass on that one.”
She’s always open to hearing me out, and I love her to death for her honest opinions.
I am not going to stop throwing spaghetti at the wall, though, and she knows that…
…because sometimes, just sometimes…
…one sticks!
Always be a dreamer.
It makes life fun.
Coming up with IDEAS for how you can make the world around you a better, or happier, or stronger, or healthier, or whatever kinda place you wanna make it…
…sparks energy.
It’s motivation for creativity.
It creates a world full of possibility.
We need newness in our lives to continue the pursuit.
We need this pursuit to continue our purpose.
So, next time you have a good IDEA, lean into it.
Spend some time on it.
Find out what’s possible.
Take some action towards making it a reality.
See if the spark fizzles out or if it continues to blaze.
This exactly what I did with www.OPPOFLOW.COM two years ago.
Super random IDEA, to share a mindset framework that worked for me personally, and ended up turning into some really cool ways for helping others.
Plus, my wife approved. 😉
So I built it.
To find out what’s possible.
And all it has done, is provide even more unique ways to continue my personal growth, while bringing a mindset shift, perspective, and IDEAS for others.
Don’t ever stop coming up with new IDEAS…
…because maybe, just maybe…
…one of those spaghetti noodles…
…will end up stuck on the wall after all.
And your wildest dreams will come true. 🤩
a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week
Your challenge this week:
Think about your next big idea. Do some research and find out what’s possible. As you put some work to it, you’ll know quickly if you should run with it or move on.
As always, please reply to this email with your thoughts, questions, future topics you want to learn more about, or if I can be a resource for you in any way.
Opportunity is Everywhere!
Cheers, Steven
Watch Episode #81 of the SuccessFlow Podcast
On this episode, I ride solo and share my knowledge around starting a business of your own or legitimizing your side hustle. I talk about the purpose of starting a business, how to set up the legal structure, ways to grow it through sales and marketing, along with how to fund your business. I also talk about hiring, some tax strategy once you become profitable, and advantages of putting your kids on payroll. This is a great episode for anyone considering entrepreneurship in the new year as they continue down their path of success and happiness.