I've got something better...

...than work/life balance. 🤯

Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.


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You don’t really HAVE to, but you GET to. 😜

And these little tiny baby 👶 actions by you, really help me to put out all the good vibes and mindset shifts with as many people as I can.

Thank you!

Also, if you have not already, please take 90 seconds to answer a few questions so I can provide you with as much value on weekly basis as possible.

“Change before you have to.”

~ Jack Welch

I hear this all the time...

“I want to…

  • work out 🏋️

  • eat healthy 🥦

  • write a book 📘

  • go on vacation 🏝️

  • start a business 🏢

  • develop a new skill ⚒️

  • take a solo adventure ⛰️

  • join a networking group 🤝

  • begin a morning routine 🌄

  • take my spouse on a date 🥰

  • give back to my community 🫂

  • or whatever else you want to do… 🙌

…but I don't have enough time."


You have time. ⏳

If you’re serious about shaping your future and achieving your perception of success…

...whether it be for your yourself, your family, or others in your community…

Finding the time for MASSIVE ACTION isn’t difficult when it means a whole HELLUVA lot to you. 👊

You need to MAKE time. 🕰️

There’s always time for things you love to do or the people you want to impact.

If you truly feel that you don't have enough time for the things you TRULY want…

…then it's because it's really not that important to you yet or you're out of alignment with your purpose.

Find alignment and you'll find the time.

LIFE is all about passion and doing what makes you happy. 🤗

WORK is all about purpose and making money. 🤑

You need to enjoy life and you need to work to make money.

Money should not the goal…

But it is a vehicle that will help you get to where you want to go.

So for 99% of us, we need to work.

But… what if work didn’t feel like work? 🤔

And you made money by doing life things.

Things you love to do.

We’ve all heard of work/life balance.

But what about work/life integration?

It’s important to know the difference.

Work/Life Balance

BALANCE = compartmentalizing your personal life and professional life to ensure neither one dominates your time to the detriment of the other.

You are able to solely focus on the tasks at hand during the hours segregated for each specific area, personally or professionally.

This is helpful to have a structured schedule for tasks.

Most people experience this based on their career or employer choices.

If you must be in one place for work, like an office or restaurant…

Plan your morning before and evening after work, ahead of time.

This will always give you something to look forward to.

Then focus on efficient work to tackle all tasks without going into overtime or getting burnt out.

In the end, make sure you’re doing something that makes you happy and with people that bring the best out of you.

Work/Life Integration

INTEGRATION = bringing a harmonious approach to working and living where obligations complement each other.

This allows more freedom of your time and ultimate flexibility.

Your personal and professional life are no longer competing for the other’s time.

You have the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.

The job still gets done, you’re an accessible resource, and you still make a living.

One must have discipline and consistency to prioritize tasks and accomplish their goals at a high level.

Work/life integration cannot achieved without extreme effort.

If you fall into money without working, you may find yourself lost.

If you all you do is work and don’t live a life outside of that, you may find yourself alone.

Balance is what you may be striving for, but I believe work/life integration is the goal.

When you can find a way to integrate your life’s PASSIONS into your work’s PURPOSE and vice versa…

…while making money doing the things you love to do and making an impact on the people you want to impact.


…you have ultimate FREEDOM. 🚀

This is the MINDSET SHIFT. 🤯


Join me for a Transformative Workshop Experience through a unique approach to Personal Development and Professional Networking.

Monday, April 22nd at Kitsune Brewing (👈map) in Phoenix, AZ from 11:30am-3:00pm

This is a fun, collaborative, and eye-opening event, with deep work on the OPPO FLOW™️ Intro Playbook, and the opportunity to meet and network with like-minded individuals.

By the end of the workshop, you will grasp the concept of work/life integration and develop stronger opportunity awareness to JUMP at the ones that align. 

Don't miss your opportunity to Take the Jump that could change the trajectory of your life in an incredible way. 🚀


Until our next FLIGHT, check out our latest episode of the SuccessFlow Podcast.

Please like, subscribe, comment, and share. 🤗

Episode 43: Spring Cleaning

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a franchised payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO FLOW stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!