In more ways than one...

...this is an underrated experience

Welcome to the Storybook

Each week, I share… ✍️

  • a definition 🤓

  • a quick story 📖

  • a mindset shift 🤯

  • an opportunity list 💡

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PROFOUND: adjective

having intellectual depth and insight

I received a pretty cool gift this week.

Actually, it was given to my entire family, by my son’s private hitting coach.

It was a book, and in it, he wrote…

To the Harris Family

“Follow your Heart”

Hope this book brings you Joy and Fulfillment.

Love, Coach

In my opinion, receiving a PROFOUND book from someone you respect, who has gone out of their way to give it to you after they read it, enjoyed it, learned from it, and thought of you, is one of life’s most underrated experiences.

My son was super surprised and grateful.

Coach has always loved working with my boy and my son equally loves working with him.

These sessions provide him with a level of stability, work ethic, discipline, and more importantly, they strengthen his mental game.

Originally, we signed up for him to get more consistent at hitting the baseball, but ultimately we keep coming back because of the mindset piece.

A word to describe Coach: PROFOUND.

And him giving us this book, couldn’t have been more timely for us all.

The title: Inner Excellence by Jim Murphy

And of course, I was the first to dive in, while they were working on perfecting my son’s hitting technique.


As defined in the book, the mindset of Inner Excellence is this…

“I compete to raise the level of excellence in my life, to learn and grow, in order to raise it in others.”

What the author is saying is that we don’t compete for vanity, success, accolades, money, or even happiness.

Our competition and focus is solely on becoming better versions of ourselves, in order to make a positive impact, and help others do the same.

The author goes on to point out that the pursuit of extraordinary performance and the the pursuit of the best possible life are the same path.

The ability to perform with freedom and confidence.

You are not fulfilled by the outcome, rather fulfilled by the experiences and growth along the way.

In the book, he states that the quality of your life is based on three elements…

  1. Your inner world of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and desires.

  2. Your frame of reference (mindset) from which you see the world.

  3. Your relationships.

I couldn’t agree more…

In the end, does anything else really matter?

When you have found pure joy and fulfillment from those three elements, you’ve hit the jackpot of life and that’s the pursuit each of us could be starting on right now.


I haven’t read the whole thing yet, and those snippets above are all just from the introduction pages before even starting the first chapter.

Thanks Coach…

…in more ways than one.


a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week

Ask yourself these three questions, pulled from Chapter 1 of Inner Excellence…

  1. What do I dream about?

  2. What do I worry about?

  3. What do I get upset about?

The answers reveal what, in the deepest place of your heart, is the most important to you. Your life will be as stable as whatever that thing is.

As always, please reply to this email with your thoughts, questions, future topics you want to learn more about, or if I can be a resource for you in any way.

Opportunity is Everywhere!

Cheers, Steven

Watch Episode #87 of the SuccessFlow Podcast

In this episode, Phil and I delve into the DOSE Method, a framework that explores the four key brain chemicals—Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins—and their roles in achieving flow states, enhancing motivation, and fostering human connections. We discuss practical applications of these concepts in personal development and leadership, emphasizing the importance of challenging oneself and building strong relationships to cultivate a fulfilling life.