Find your Happiness...

...and you'll find Independence

Welcome to the Storybook

Each week, I share… ✍️

  • a definition 🤓

  • a quick story 📖

  • a mindset shift 🤯

  • an opportunity list 💡

…to keep you going, personally and professionally. 🚀

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the state of being independent; not subject to control, reliance, or requiring the opinions of others

Happy 4th!

Americans all over are celebrating INDEPENDENCE Day with BBQs, fireworks, and great times with family and friends.

The Declaration of Independence was a document that declared the thirteen American colonies independent from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The 56 delegates, who unanimously signed the Declaration, came to be known as our nation's Founding Fathers.

Five men were responsible for authoring this document, which included John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman.

Jefferson took the lead on the original draft and largely wrote the Declaration in isolation between June 11 and June 28, 1776.

It went through multiple revisions by the five men, before becoming ratified on July 4th, 1776.

Here’s an excerpt that stuck out the most to me…

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


INDEPENDENCE is writing your own story.

A story that you can be proud of, and in the end, say that was packed full of happiness, and joy.

Living the life you want; not what other people want for you.

As you move through life aligned on the mission you’ve designed, remember to incorporate the things that make you the most happy and do them with the people you love the most.

It’s noteworthy that our Founding Fathers made a point to state “our Rights for Life, Liberty and the PURSUIT of Happiness.“ as they declared INDEPENDENCE to the world.

This reminds us that the foundation of human INDEPENDENCE comes from the happiness we achieve and continue to pursue.

We are given the right to seek our own perception of happiness

It’s up to us to find it and maintain it.

We can find joy through others by way of opportunity, relationships, and experiences.

Ultimately, though, true happiness starts and ends with ourselves.

It comes from a consistent positive perspective, a growth mindset, and confidence at the forefront of all that we do.

It comes from the actions we take and the progress we make.

True INDEPENDENCE is found in the happy ones.

  • Those who pave their own path…

  • Those with the freedom to choose confidently…

  • Those who make a positive impact while in alignment…

  • Those who believe in themselves without restriction from others.

Find your HAPPINESS…

…and you’ll find your INDEPENDENCE.


a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week

  1. To finish the year strong, consider attending our next Jump Workshop Event on August 15th, 2024 in PHX, AZ. 🌵

    1. 👉 Early Bird Tickets 🎟️

  2. Benjamin Franklin abided by 13 personal virtues as he pursued moral perfection. Check them out HERE and take the opportunity to add them to your values as well.

  3. Text a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while: “Hi, thinking about you. Hope all is well.”

Watch Episode #58 from the SuccessFlow Podcast

Opportunity is Everywhere.

Cheers, Steven