If I had an extra day, this is what I would do...


Welcome to the OPPO FLOW Storybook.

Journey Payroll & HR is locally owned and operated focused on bringing a refreshing way to Payroll & HR to small businesses. As a small business owner, there’s no smarter decision than to outsource your payroll processing to a team of experts who care a lot about the success of your business and there’s no better option than the Journey Team to manage that for you.


“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

~ Julius Caesar

Do you ever say to yourself…

“There are just not enough hours in the day!

If only I could have one more day to get this or that done, knock out this goal or that goal…

…it would be so wonderful.”


We’re all so busy.

We all have so many things to do.

The list never ends…

…and neither does our pursuit of SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. 😄

If you find days are slow… 🐌

My advice would be to spend the time learning a new skill or pick up some knowledge to find out what’s possible.

This will bring MOTIVATION for THOUGHT and ACTION.

If you find the days are quick… 🏎️💨

Then I know you can relate that having an extra day in the year, would really move the needle to achieving your DREAMS. 🤩

Welp… my friends, that day has come!

The year was 45 B.C.

The Roman Calendar was all out of whack with varying number of days each year anywhere from 304 days to 355 days.

This caused chaos with alignment of the seasons so they would randomly add intercalary (👈 definition) days into the calendar to be provide some sort of sense from year to year.

During his reign of the Roman Empire…

Julius Caesar changed the Roman Calendar to be more consistent with the solar and lunar calendars.

Why is this important? 🤔

  1. It simplified things.

  2. The Julian Calendar gave us that one extra day we all needed.

Caesar introduced the idea of one intercalary day in February every four years.

These intercalary days are what we call “leap” days.

We all know that any date that falls on a certain day of the week in the current year will fall on the next day of the week in the following year.

During a leap year, these are called leap days because every four years that fixed date would skip a day of the week and fall on the following day.

For example, Christmas 🎄 fell on a Friday in 2020, Saturday in 2021, Sunday in 2022, and Monday in 2023, but then will "leap" over Tuesday to fall on a Wednesday in 2024.

But why February?

Why not December 32nd?

It all has to do with astronomy, history, and timekeeping…

  1. Astronomically, it’s the shortest month of the year, so adding it there would be less disruptive to the overall flow of the months following.

  2. Historically, ancient Romans celebrated lots of festivals in February, so it was possible this was a nod or way to honor those festivals… Or maybe it was just another day to party! 🥳

  3. From a timing perspective, the Romans considered winter a month-less period and didn’t start the calendar year until March. Since February was the last month of winter, this seemed to be an appropriate time to pop another day in there.

The Tropical Year has an average of 365.2422 days in it’s cycle, which matches up with the number of days earth takes for it’s trip around the sun.

The Julian Calendar worked well for about 1600 years, until it was realized that this calendar would fall out of sync by 3 full days every 400 years.

By my calculation his calendar reflected 365.25 days, so not quite exact.


Pope Gregory XIII and the Catholic Church had something to say about it in 1582.

“In 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII introduced his Gregorian calendar, Europe adhered to the Julian calendar, first implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Since the Roman emperor’s system miscalculated the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, the calendar had since fallen out of sync with the seasons. This concerned Gregory because it meant that Easter, traditionally observed on March 21, fell further away from the spring equinox with each passing year.”

Now, the Gregorian Calendar is the most widely accepted calendar and the standard across the world.

The Pope kept the same leap day in February every four years, except it skips the leap day if the year is divisible by 100, but not 400.

The years 1700, 1800, and 1900 did not have a leap year, but the year 1600 and 2000 did, because you could divide them by 400 years.

This small change in when leap years were applied, factored in the fractions of time it would take the earth to travel around the sun and fall even more closely aligned with the lunar and solar cycles, averaging 365.2425 days per year.

Still not an EXACT science, being off 26 seconds per year, which will result in a full day off alignment by Year 4909.

WOW… that’s a lot of MATHING. 😬

Maybe, we see an update to our calendar at some point, although I have a hunch, that it…

Most likely won’t happen in our lifetime.

So what can we do with this information today?

It’s all about perspective.

Every four years, you’ve got an extra day to make an impact.

You’ve wanted it…

You asked for it…

…and here you have it.

Does that mean you get to procrastinate because of this extra time?


Quite the opposite.

It means you have more time to reach your POTENTIAL. 📈

Julius Caesar gave you a gift 🎁 every FOUR YEARS.


It may seem insignificant, but…

…this is an ENTIRE DAY.


  • Focus on yourself to be your best version.

  • Close another deal that will make your year.

  • Start the business you’ve been dreaming about.

  • Spend uninterrupted quality time with my family.

  • Book that adventure you’ve always wanted to take.

  • Reach out to that person you’ve been thinking about.

  • Double down on your preparation for more opportunity.

  • Start your health journey that you’ve been contemplating.

  • Practice temperance for a clear, focused, and healthy mind.

  • Be a resource for someone who could use your help right now.

  • Jump and go all in towards your pursuit of success & happiness.

We’re already two months into the year…

What are you going to CONQUER 💪 in 2024 knowing that you were awarded a bonus day to BE GREAT.

Waste it on things that don’t align with your PURPOSE?


Leverage it to achieve your DREAMS?

If it were up to me, I’d make you choose the latter.

But it’s up to YOU!



Reading this STORYBOOK each week isn’t free anymore… 😬

There’s a new deal in place… 🤝 

The way to sign on the dotted line is to…

  1. Forward this email to a friend and ask them to 👉 Subscribe

  2. Subscribe 👈 to the SuccessFlow Podcast on YOUTUBE. 🙏

So… well… I guess it’s technically still free. 😜 

BUT these little tiny baby actions by you, really helps me continue down my path of SUCCESS and HAPPINESS. 🤩

Until our next FLIGHT, check out a FUN episode that goes 🍌BANANAS🍌 on the SuccessFlow Podcast.

Episode 40: Innovation is B A N A N A S

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!!

Cheers! Steven

BTW, when you’re ready, here’s a few ways I can help you. 🙋‍♂️

1. Did you know I also run a payroll business in PHX?! If you’re a small business owner, or know someone who is, JOURNEY PAYROLL can help.

2. If you have a team or planning an event, hire me for a workshop or to speak a keynote/breakout session. BOOK A TALK 

3. Looking for Purpose, Opportunity, and Community? Join the exclusive OPPO FLOW Alliance & Mastermind (OFAM) to grow personally and professionally with like minded individuals in pursuit of consistent SUCCESS.

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