The Drive to Play Pro Basketball 🏀


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“Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm.”

~ Winston Churchill

I was about 13 years old, when I met one of the coolest and nicest dudes you could ever meet.

He is the type of guy who always has your back and doesn’t have a negative bone in his body. Always has a positive perspective on life. 😀

Annnd…. He was also an ABSOLUTE BEAST on the basketball court. 🏀 

Growing up, we both had the childhood dream of playing professional basketball.

There were some key differences in the probability of that happening for BOTH of us, however… 🤷‍♂️

  • He spent hours practicing in the gym

  • I spent hours practicing my autograph #32

  • His dad played in the NBA

  • My dad was a Software Developer

  • He was dunking a basketball at 13 years old

  • I was eating Dunkin’ Donuts

No joke. He was the first dude I saw dunk, who was my age. And not like just barely….

It was a FREAKING DUNK. 😲 At 13 years old… 😱

Oh and one other thing before we get to his Story… This guy LOVED pickles!

Yep, that’s right. PICKLES! 🥒

Seriously, my mom had to buy like 14 extra jars any time she heard he was coming over to hang out… 🤣

Why do I bring this up?!

No reason at all, actually. 🤦‍♂️

Just a random memory I have from our childhood and thought it was important to share…

…and now I realize it wasn’t that important, but we got GIF out of it. 😁

Video Footage dug up from the Archives.

Without further ado, introducing…




my good friend… CALVIN CHITWOOD!

Born in Los Angeles, CA, and raised in Phoenix, AZ 🌵, Calvin graduated from Paradise Valley High School in 2004.

Just before graduating high school, he was recruited and went on to sign his Letter of Intent to play Division I basketball for the Cal State Northridge Matadors, in which he graduated with a bachelor's in Marketing in 2008.

Calvin was a STUD very early on in his college career, making a major impact for the team as a Freshman.

Here’s a really cool article from January 2005 to read a little bit more about his early success there. 👉 Click Here

Shortly after the end of his final game as Division 1 college athlete…

…As most athletes do, they are always looking for the opportunity to compete at the next level. 👀

Calvin signed up with a sports agency that was able to get him workouts and tryouts to play in different leagues fairly quickly. 👊

However, just because the tryouts were secured, this was no sure thing…

…with his Never Give Up attitude, though, it HAPPENED!

A couple of contract offers came through within the first year… 🙌

  1. Play basketball for a team in Gmunden, Austria 🌍

  2. Play for a team in Niigata, Japan 🏯

The opportunity to play professional basketball overseas, even though it wasn't at the NBA level, was an incredible time in his life; and for which he says…

“I am very thankful for that opportunity. I recall the phone call I had with a former Northridge Alumni who recommended that if I ever get the opportunity to play overseas, ‘Do it!’”

Calvin decided to play in Japan due to the fact that the contract was a little more lucrative at the time. 🤑

He ended up playing there for 2 years and then was able to secure another contract offer where he played another 2 years in Leeuwarden, Netherlands.

The only thing Calvin could have done differently, was take the time to learn the language of the countries he played in. Speaking in the native language, he sees as a sign of respect when in that country.

ROSETTA STONE, ANYONE?!! Hook a Brother Up!

Even, though he’s not bilingual, all of this is still…


Meanwhile… my intramural team won the championship at ASU and I got a pretty sweet T-Shirt… soo… that was cool. 🤣

In all seriousness… What an AMAZING experience for him to EARN his spot to play basketball throughout his early 20s AND get paid for it! 🤑 

I LOVED watching this dude CRUSH it and fulfill his dreams.

Baller Status Right There! 👇

And now… Outside of life on the court he says he’s learned…

“The importance of routine and structure in relation to how it is truly beneficial for our MENTAL HEALTH was something I was naively unaware of when I was young. Not having routine and structure can be a challenge to navigate for some athletes when the lights finally turn off. TODAY, I have a better understanding of the importance of routine and structure. Just like an athlete, the routine and structure become a practice so that you may excel at your craft. For challenges I encounter in my career in the finance industry, I keep this concept in the forefront of my mind to keep me going to accomplish more for myself and enjoy the journey routine and structure can bring.”

When I asked him the, often tough, question of what his Perception of Success looks like, as expected, he gave me one of the most genuine and thoughtful answers I’ve ever received… 🤗

“Success to me is being able to do something in life that truly makes you HAPPY. That time in my life was truly special and something I am very grateful to have experienced. I don't sweat the fact that I didn't make the top leagues or even made it to the NBA like my father. Most people don't even get those opportunities when you really look at the statistics. In relation to success, success doesn't have to be you making it to the best league, becoming the top executive, or even making lots of money. Success is all about your mindset and your perspective. We are only here on this earth for a short amount of time and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Celebrate your successes and take time to really "be in the moment" when you've accomplished something you were working towards and always keep moving forward. When you focus on being happy and doing something you love, I believe that's what brings success.”

Calvin was so gracious and JUMPED at the opportunity to share his story. 🙌

It’s a DREAM, for many of us who played sports as a kid, to play at the professional level and he saw it through.

And not by talent alone. That only gets you so far…

He put in an insane amount of work behind the scenes that most of us will never know. Playing ball at that high of a level requires not only talent, but mental toughness, sacrifice, and grit. 👊

Now most of us have not nor will not play sports at this level…. However, this TRANSLATES.

Remember, overnight success is NOT a thing. 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️

First, figure out what it is you want out of your life…

…then GO ALL IN to start putting in the work EVERY-DAMN-DAY.

This allows you to continue achieving incremental wins in order to reach the height of your potential and over time achieve your perception of success. 👊

We all have it in us. We just need to find it. Develop it. Use it.

Regardless of what life throws at you, keep going, and don’t lose your “childhood-like” enthusiasm for the things you love. You never know what this life will bless you with or where it may take you.

~ Calvin Chitwood

Until our next FLIGHT, enjoy your Song of the Week hand-picked by the MAN OF THE WEEK, Mr. Chitwood! 👇

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere, for Everyone!!

Cheers! Steven

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