When the crows arrive...

...be an eagle and thrive 🦅

Welcome to the Storybook

Each week, I share… ✍️

  • a definition 🤓

  • a quick story 📖

  • a mindset shift 🤯

  • an opportunity list 💡

…to keep you going, personally and professionally. 🚀

UNDETERRED - adjective

persevering with something despite setbacks

A crow is the only bird daring enough to peck at an eagle.

When an eagle flies low, the crow will sit atop their back and bite their neck.

They do this to deter the eagle.

However, the eagle doesn’t get distracted, respond, or even fight back.

It doesn’t spend any time or energy with the crow.

Instead the eagle remains calm, opens its wings, and flies up to an elevation that only the eagle can survive.

The higher they go, the harder it is for the crow to breathe.

Eventually, the crow falls off the eagle’s back due to the lack of oxygen, and ultimately down to its death.

The eagle continues to elevate to great heights, remaining on their path.



As you create an ultimate vision for yourself, and start putting all of your adrenaline towards the work it takes to making those critical changes for what you want your life to look like 10+ years from now…

…there will always be some pesky crows along the way.

Those people out there pecking at you as you’re flying to a whole ‘nother level.

These could be past close relationships who have been in your circle before and simply don’t like change…

…or they could be strangers and trolls who don’t like to see others succeed.

The ones that are trying to get you rattled, lose your cool, and bring you back down.

Remember… learn from the eagle.

Remain steadfast and UNDETERRED.

Don’t let them distract you from achieving your goals.

Control your response and continue your pursuit to the next level…

And then…

…the next level after that.

Keep flying high and eventually…

…the crows won’t be able to reach you.

Soon, you’ll soar with other eagles who inspire and motivate you, as you become the inspiration and motivation for them.

The crow can also represent your own bad habits.

What are the things you are currently doing right now that are holding you back?

Are you letting those bad habits get in the way of your ultimate vision?

Working towards positive and healthy change will eventually eliminate those bad habits from your life.

But you’ve got to put in the effort and remain consistent to avoid those distractions.

Find alignment in exactly who you are, and what you want your ultimate vision to look like, so…

…when the crows arrive..

…be an eagle and thrive. 🦅

Remain UNDETERRED and soar to new heights.


a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week

  1. Create your Ultimate Vision…👉 HERE

  2. Start a 30 day health challenge. This could be fitness, diet, or mental health with meditation and breathwork. Pick something and commit yourself to it for a month. You can do it. 💪

  3. I’m continuing to promote The JUMP Workshop Event on August 15th. Click Here for 👉 Early Bird Tickets 🎟️. We’re only 3 weeks away! I’d love for you to experience this transformative event, because…

    1. …it’s an amazing opportunity for you to invest in yourself personally and…

    2. …collaborate with like-minded individuals for new growth opportunities professionally.

Opportunity is Everywhere.

Cheers, Steven

Watch Episode #61 from the SuccessFlow Podcast

…and catch my sweet daughter singing you her favorite song. 🥰