For life to be harmonic...

...become Chameleonic 🦎

Welcome to the Storybook

Each week, I share… ✍️

  • a definition 🤓

  • a quick story 📖

  • a mindset shift 🤯

  • an opportunity list 💡

…to keep you going, personally and professionally. 🚀

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CHAMELEONIC - adjective

resembling a chameleon; a person who can adapt to any environment or often changes his or her beliefs or behavior in order to please others or to succeed

CHAMELEONS are opportunistic creatures.

They have the ability to change colors; which provides protection from predators and enter stealth mode when hunting for prey.

They can live anywhere from rainforests to deserts, adapting to any environment.

They are astutely aware of their surroundings as each eye can pivot independently of each other.

Watching closely as they move slowly and methodically.

Their diet varies based on where they live and what’s available, without complaints.

Their tongue can extend 1.5 to 2 times the length of their body and at an extremely rapid pace of up to 15 feet per second.

This innate ability allows them to hunt effectively and quickly when the opportunity presents itself.

By leveraging these adaptations, CHAMELEONS ensure survival and success in a variety of ecological niches.


Adaptability and versatility are great traits for humans to have in any situation.

Being open minded, and learning new perspectives and ideas from all walks of life…

…is a great recipe to developing your own perception of success and happiness.

Having the ability to adapt, grow, and change your beliefs when necessary to put you on a better path towards success is important.

If you believe you’re not capable, then you won’t be…

…but if you change your belief that you can, then you will.

Being rigid or stuck in your ways does not provide an opportunity for growth.

Being adaptable, like a CHAMELEON, is being able to adjust to changing environments with ease.

Your ability to adapt your communication style and relate with various types of people will ultimately determine how strong your relationships are and how wide your network can be.

Having flexibility to change your approach or behavior with new information, or challenges, is key.

Be sure to remain true to yourself, but remain open to different belief systems that help you discover your ideal environment.

Here are five CHAMELEONIC characteristics to focus on…

  1. Leverage your instincts and innate abilities with confidence.

  2. Be aware of your surroundings, including self-awareness.

  3. Be patient and precise with your decision making.

  4. Jump quickly at opportunities when they align.

  5. Adapt to any situation and develop resilience.

These tendencies give you the ability to create a life that flows in a more meaningful and positive way, in order to not only survive and thrive, but set an elevated standard for your success.


a short list of ideas, learnings, recommendations, or happenings for the week

  1. Many of us need a reset, refocus, or more clarity to find alignment with stronger opportunity awareness and move forward with confidence towards our goals. If that’s you right now, consider attending our next Jump Workshop Event on August 15th, 2024 in PHX, AZ. 🌵

    1. 👉 Early Bird Tickets 🎟️

  2. Start a Morning Routine. Pick a time every day and create a routine for the quiet morning that will set the tone for your day. Start small.

  3. It’s hot this Summer. 🥵 Cool off with a cold plunge. 🥶 If you live in Arizona, I’ve been to RESET. Give it a try.

For those who took the poll last week, 75% of you are liking this new format.

I’d love to hear from more of you to ensure I’m hitting the mark. 🎯


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Watch Episode #57 from the SuccessFlow Podcast where we’re talking about the benefits of Neurogen Brain Balancing with Audrey Schultz.

Opportunity is Everywhere.

Cheers, Steven