A Bird! A Plane! NOO... It's a... DUCK?!! πŸ¦†


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Let's get you introduced to our AMAZING CO-PILOT! βœˆ  

Thanks to JOURNEY PAYROLL & HR for bringing a REFRESHING way to Payroll and HR for small business owners.  Journey provides the best of both worlds. 🌎  HOW?!  By bringing simple, and efficient technology with an accessible and dedicated PAYROLL TEAM, who cares about your business and supports you every step of the way! 

Did you miss me?!  You came running back...  Awww!! πŸ₯° 

You really know how to make a guy blush. πŸ˜Š I missed you tooooo!!! 

Okay, enough of the gushy stuff... 🀭 

Where were we with the OPPO FLOW MINDSET?! πŸ€”


  • O = Open Mind. Start Here.

  • P = Purpose. Define It.

  • P = Preparation. This is Key.

  • O = Opportunity. Opportunity is Everywhere.

  • Challenge Yourself. Be Uncomfortable on Purpose.

  • Leverage. Use Your Knowledge, Experiences, and Network to Guide You.

  • Take Action. Don't Hesitate and Make the Decision.

  • Go All In. When you Say Yes, Commit!

ICYMI! CATCH UP!  πŸ‘ˆ Link to Prior Flights

Okie dokie.... You've got the OPPO part down...

And you're challenging yourself, leveraging, taking action, and giving it your all....


Now, this is really where the magic happens...  With the proper mindset, does anything REEEAALLLLYYY go wrong?!! ✨

Nahhh, not really.... 

Let me explain.... πŸ˜€

Be a Duck! Let It Roll off Your Back.  When things come at you, that are out of your control, don't let them deter you from your mission or goals.  

Here's a quick story to explain the BE A DUCK Mentality... 

One morning, a good ol' mallard πŸ¦† woke up and took a gander across the pond.  To much of their delight, they noticed a massive loaf of wonder bread 🍞 over on the other side. 


You know.... the pieces of bread you would toss into the pond as a kid?!! 😁

Wellll.. for a duck πŸ¦†, that's like candy 🍭 to a 4 year old πŸ§’....

Picture the biggest loaf 🍞you've ever seen and their mission for the day is to get to the other side of the pond to bring it back and feed their family. 

The uber motivated Ducky McDuckstein, immediately jumps into the pond without a shadow of doubt or fear in their mind, and starts their adventure... HAPPY as can be. 😊

Off they go... they're webbed feet paddling away under the water, and their body all calm, cool, and collected above it.


Then, as they're about half way across the pond, all of a sudden, a massive rainstorm comes out of nowhere and starts blasting down on them. 🌧

Uh oh...😱

WHAT DOES THE DUCK DO?!! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Do they turn around and go back like any other animal would?!  

NOO.... πŸ™…β€β™€οΈπŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ 

They keep cruising...


Because a duck cannot get WET! πŸ’¦

It is the way they're built.  They have what's called a preen gland, that produces a wax-like, oily substance, in which they use their bill to rub all over their body from head to toe. 

This makes them water resistant and protects them from getting wet.  Thus, letting the water roll off their back and remain focused on completing their mission of getting to the other side.  

Why am I telling you this Story?!

Life throws so many things at us every day and, often times, they come from out of nowhere, in which we had no control over.  When this happens, we CANNOT let those distractions, people, or emotions deter us from our mission.

Control what you can control.  Communicate in a calm and positive manner, rectify the situation, then MOVE FORWARD.

Define your PURPOSE for the day... Write down your goals DAILY... πŸ“

Prepare and protect yourself, so when deterrents come at YOU, you'll have the ability to let them roll off your back and continue working towards achieving those goals. 

Easier said than done for sure, but the more you recognize it with each situation, and the more you remember to implement, the easier it gets and the happier you’ll become.

The BE A DUCK Mentality is one that I talk about with my Journey Payroll PHX Team all the time.  It's one of the four TEAM MINDSETS we talk about towards Success.

I also share this with my Kids.  When they miss a shot πŸ€ or strikeout ⚾ in a game, we talk about letting it roll off their back and moving on the next play.

Or... Maybe another kid is being a jerk to them at school... 😑

Remembering the πŸ¦† mentality, helps them to remain strong and not let that bonehead deter them from having a fantastic day or stop them from what they're trying to accomplish throughout the day.  

Continuing the conversation with these kiddos πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§ and developing their mindset, helps their growth and confidence as they get older. 

When the implement, it's so FREAKING-INCREDIBLE to see. 😊

And NOW... I am sharing with YOU!

There is a word for this too... EQUANIMITY.



1. mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.

Point is, if you’re going to let things get to you or dwell on them for a long period of time, you won't be able to keep swimming.  It’s that simple. 

So STOP doing it. πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈπŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

All that matters is your PURPOSE and your MISSION.  Stay on the path.

Pivot and Learn, but don't Run and Hide.

Or worse, do something you'll regret...

Next time something hits you out of your control, remember BE A DUCK πŸ¦†, practice EQUANIMITY, and let it ROLL OFF YOUR BACK! πŸ’ͺ

BTW!  Need a little reminder to help incorporate this into your daily life?!


ROCK an OPPO Flow Band on your wrist EVERY DAY!! πŸ‘Š

Some of you have already ordered yours... They're pretty DOPE, RIGHT?!

...and not your typical rubber wristbands! I wear mine daily. 😎

Check out the Be A Duck band!  Perfect for kids too. πŸ˜‰

Reply back to this email and I'll send you a code for a FREE one!  

Tap the Image to Get YOURS! πŸ‘‡ 

Alright you lil duckling, that's my story for you today. 😁

I am looking forward to FLYING together next week.

Until next time, check out your Song of the Week! 

Remember, Opportunity is Everywhere!

Cheers! Steven

Ohhh.... and also, there's a few Social Media icons around this email. See them? Cool! Click them. Follow for more OPPO Flow stuff throughout the week. Also, if you know someone who needs a nudge or just likes entertaining mindset stuff, please share this email with them, and they can subscribe for FREE!

As always, thanks for your support!